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Athena's Roman Equivalent

"To Olympians, my mother is a monster. If she looked as normal as you and I, she wouldn't fit the role very much, would she?"

Asani asks, responding to his visible confusion about the difference in appearance on Olympus and here.

"But she did have the snakes and green skin.. right?" He asks.

"Right. A gift from your mother."

Jungkook takes her words to be sarcasm and despite his current frustration, ignores the neutral tone.

"So she didn't have the snakes and green until after she slept with my father..."

Asani's left eye twitches as he continues to figure things out.

"And my mother cursed her with the snakes and skin of a monster."

"...correct." Asani says.

"So she was beautiful when they slept together." He speaks out loud and Asani glares at him. He catches himself and panics.

"That is not to say she wasn't beautiful after. I am just saying in the terms of the Gods, she was-. There's a-." He stops talking and inhales deeply.

"I mean that my father could have very well found her to be an attractive woman rather than the Gorgon that everyone sees her to be. Everyone assumes that she perhaps used some sort of spell to seduce him due to her African descent. But it may not have been that hard at all if he already found her attractive. It could have just been her looks in general."

Asani raises a brow.

"I mean-." Jungkook sighs and looks at her. "You are a very beautiful being but your eyes. They're entrancing."

"So it is my fault that you are attracted a part of my genetics that I cannot change? Should I be placed at fault for that? Am I to blame for your attraction to me for simply existing?"

He's taken aback by her questioning.

"No. That is not what I am saying. In what situation would that make sense? It sounds predatory the way that you are saying it."

Asani's expression remains neutral as she sits back against the couch.

"I do not think in that way. It is sickening... very much so." Jungkook says as he screws his face in disgust. To change the topic and get the idea of what she said out of his head, he continues his questioning for knowledge.

"Your mother fled Olympus and went below. She met your father and fell pregnant. Did she stay? Have you ever met him?"

Asani's eyes become somber and he knows the answer before she says anything. She looks down to the floor and Bosso moves to sit in front of her. She puts her bare feet on her back, kneading her fur and skin.

"No, I haven't. My mother met my father a year or so after she was down there. She said that they met on a bike trail. How odd of all places?" Asani smiles fondly.

"My mother loved nature. Well, obviously." She gestures around to her home. "He was walking the path and she was off to the side of it. The chain to her bicycle had broken off and she was trying to fix it. She wasn't very well versed in mechanics. My father saw her and stopped to ask if she needed help. She told him that she did and he turned her bicycle upside down to fix it."

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