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"God of Blacksmiths and Fire"

A feeling of cool blots across Jungkook's forehead. The sound a rag being dipped and squeezed is heard and then the cool feeling blots spots on his neck. He has been out for 16 hours. It's approaching 10:45 in the evening and Asani is beginning to worry for him.

She and Seokjin had a very long conversation about things should be handled from here on out. Her safety is the most important thing and he is not willing to jeopardize that. Nor is she.

Jungkook's eyes flutter open as she blots his cheeks. She pauses in her motion as he looks at her.

"What happened?" He asks softly.

"You passed out by the gates. I assume it's because you're famished and were tired."

He sits up and she moves back a little to give him room. Koda sleeps soundlessly at the end of the bed.

"I made dinner and I have a gallon water ready for you in the fridge. I'll bring it to you." She puts the rag in the bowl of water and stands up. Jungkook grabs her hand and she turns to him.

He takes in her puffy cheeks and red eyes.

"Were you crying? Are you okay?"

"You haven't slept properly in days and passed out on a forest floor and you're asking me if I'm okay? Are you?"

Jungkook swallows and blinks at her.

"I would be better if you did not answer my questions with questions."

"I'm okay. You just scared me, is all. I didn't know Gods could pass out. Or become... exhausted this way."

Her words cause Jungkook to furrow his eyebrows. He doesn't respond as he lets go of her fingers. He looks down at his lap and she goes to get his food.

"We can't." He says to himself.

He looks at his hands and arms and then feels his face, pushing his cheeks up and around. Something is wrong with him. There has to be. He's passing out, he's feeling tired. He's never done that before.

Asani comes back into the bedroom with his plate of food and silverware. He takes it and thanks her as he begins eating. She sits on the edge of the bed and clasps her hands in front of her.

"I think that it is best if you stay here for a few days."

Jungkook looks up at her as he chews.

"Just until you are feeling well and I'm sure you won't pass out again."

"I thought that you did not like me."

Her lips part and she looks at him. "I have never said that."

"You have never said that you do either."

Asani gulps as she looks at her hands. "I do. It is just.. complicated."

"How so?"

"I do not feel that I should trust you.. yet I do. And I do not feel that I should like you... but I do." She sighs. "My mother always said that there was somebody for everybody. But it feels wrong that for me, it could be you."

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