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"God of the Sun, Archery, and Music"

Jungkook stands just behind the gates of the Sanctuary, tapping against the pot in his hands. His heart beats rapidly in his chest, faster than it ever has before. He has never been this nervous in all of his life. He's fought and killed actual monsters out to kill him. He's been in direct contact with Cerberus in its largest form.

He's been chased by the three headed dog and even then, he was not this terrified.

Jungkook looks down into the pot of food and bites the inside of his cheek. It looks good and he knows that it tastes good. He tried it and had his mother taste it. She really liked it. He loved it. But will Asani like it?

She's been vegetarian for her most of, if not her entire life. She will definitely know good food from mediocre.

A low growl is heard and Jungkook's head snaps up. He hears twigs snapping and his eyes shift side to side, looking for the danger. He sees the peeks of orange fur and black stripes behind trees and leaves and grows even more nervous.

Bosso comes into view and Jungkook swallows thickly. She looks at the God and blinks slowly. He holds the pot closer to him and always from her.
The animal does nothing but look at him and he begins to feel awkward.

"It is for Asani. I did not poison it... I swear."

Bosso looks bored of him but steps back and out of his way. He takes hesitant steps past her and into the forest. She walks along side him and he side eyes her many times.

When they get to the clearing, he walks straight for the house. He knocks on the door three times and waits patiently. He can smell the food from outside of the door and it makes him salivate. He didn't eat lunch, wanting to save his appetite for their dinner together.

The door swings open and Asani stands before him. In a cropped halter top, her scar is visible, along with her belly button. Her cotton spandex lounge pants are flares at the bottom. They're bunched by the ankles, letting him know that they're a bit too long for her legs.

He can smell the scent of light powder and honey coming from her. It's an enticing smell.

"Hello." Jungkook greets once he's done ogling her. It wasn't intentional; he is just always captured by her.

"Hello." She replies and steps aside for him to come in.

He takes his sandals off at the door and steps inside. She shows him where the kitchen is and he puts his pot on the counter. He looks around the kitchen and smiles at how homey it is. It's decorated with a rooster and sunshine theme.

"What did you make?" Asani asks as she grabs a fork.

"Baked Gnocci with broccoli." He says and then quickly adds another piece as she puts her fork in to taste it. "I would just like to say in advance that I have no prior experience making vegetarian meals so  if it is distasteful then that is why."

Asani puts the fork in her mouth and tastes the food. She raises an eyebrow as she chews slowly. Jungkook clasps his hands in front of him as he watches her expressions change. He cringes as she looks at him.

"Mozzerella cheese?" She asks and he nods. "It's really good. I like it." She says with a smile.

Jungkook exhales as the stress visibly leaves his body. Asani grabs dishes for them.

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