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"God of the Sea"

Jungkook lies awake in his bed, staring at the ceiling. His thoughts have been running rampant for the last three days. Day and night, he cannot get her out of his mind.

The rich color of her skin, the jewelry adorning her body, the tattoo along her spine. The color of her eyes are what are hardest to forget. He has seen green eyes before but never at the ferocity that she possesses them.

The most boggling reason for her seemingly permanent residence in his head, is that she truly is nothing like what others claim. She is not beastly, she is not green and scaly. She is not monstrous and scary. Her head is not full of snakes. She is... beautiful if he says so himself.

It makes him question what the origin of her story is. What is the original story that sparked all of these outrageous sightings and rumors? How could they have been so misconstrued over the years?

Jungkook wants to know more about her. He wants to know how she came to be and why she hides in the trees. The only downfall to his curiosity is that, because of his lineage, he cannot ask anyone. With his mother and father being the reason that her mother is dead, it will spark alarm in people.

This is something that he has to research on his own. It is something that he cannot tell anyone and that he must hide from everyone. He wishes that he knew who else was sighted in the forest. When he asked Hoseok, he said that he saw no one else. He thought that they were the only two other Gods there.

He will be of no help in Jungkook's research. He is much too open mouthed. He is alone is his quest for answers. But that does not stop him from working just as hard.

When the sun rises on the clouds, Jungkook is up before his siblings as he always is. He bathes himself before dressing in his all white attire. He enters the kitchen to eat, kissing his mother on the cheek.

"Good morning."

"Good morning, son. Did you rest well?" She asks as she eats.

"Yes." He lies. "I slept well. Did you?"

Athena swallows her food and takes a sip of her water. "Yes, I did." Another lie.

"Thank you for asking. How was your time with Hoseok yesterday?"

"Good. The same as it always is." He answers, not wanting to divulge in what he has seen. He knows never to bring such things up around either of his parents.... Or any of his family, really.

"Hoseok is a great young God." Jungkook's father speaks from the head of the table. Having just sat down to eat, he digs right into his breakfast and joins the conversation.

"He is heading toward a path of fitful ruling with his father. It is a good thing that you have him as a companion. Have you spoken to Jina recently?"

Jungkook pokes his lips out before taking a bite of his eggs.

"No. I have not. Jina is a friend of mine but I have no further interest in her. It is a mutual feeling." He explains to his father, and indirectly to his mother. To be honest, Jina has no interest in any being of the male species. But that is not his business to disclose that information.

"No further interest. Goddesses play hard to get sometimes, Jungkook. She may be telling you that so you can be better, try a little harder for her attention. You have to set yourself apart from these other young Gods. They are all offering their hand to her. She must be shown something new."

He acknowledges his father's words with a subtle head nod but does not say anything further. He is not sure how to respond to that without telling him why Jina is not interested in him. She has said that he is very appealing to the eyes, just not in the way that she likes.

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