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"You don't have to be too brash. You can always be calm and still assert your dominance, Asani."

"But you don't do that." The younger girl looks at her mother as the sit by the stream. Their feet dangle into it. A small turtle makes its way onto the rocks and her mother smiles at it.

"Well, that's different. The world hasn't been so kind to me. It may not be so kind to you either. One day you will understand to the fullest extent the horrors that plague that place."

"Is that why we stay here? They'll kill us if we leave?" She asks as the baby turtle crawls on her legs. There's a tickling sensation that follows it and Asani laughs quietly.

"Yes. That's why we, you specifically," her mother pokes her side. "..have to stay here. This is our home, our very own paradise in the mountains. It is unforeseen to the mortals, much too high for them to survive. But still in the vicinity of the Gods. They'll come for me one day. You need to be ready enough to hide, to survive. This place will provide you with everything that you need. It just has to be cared for in return."

Asani listens to her mother's words, thinking about them as she continues her talk. Asani knows of the danger that her mother is in. By association, she is in it as well. Medusa was wronged. She was wrongly accused and given a death sentence that she cannot be given a trial for.

Twenty two years she has been running, being hunted like an animal by a God. She found sanction in the world below Olympus for quite some time. While she was there, she found love. The truest, rawest form of it. Through that she gave birth to a child, a baby girl.

She could not stay to enjoy the life she had built for herself. Her pursuer was close and she could not let her one true love be a victim of her problems. She left him behind and raised Asani by herself in the Sanctuary; the only home in the clouds that they are accepted in.

"I don't want to be here without you. I don't want to be alone."

"You won't be, not forever. Maybe for a little while. But there is somebody for everybody. You will find your person just as I found mine. You are immortal, sweet child. You have all of the time in the world."

The sounds of ceramic smashing and glass shattering echoes through the courtyard as Asani runs from her attacker. Tears stream down her face as she cries for help, knowing that nobody can hear her.

She looks back to see how close he is and trips over a tree trunk protruding from the ground. Her body hits the ground and she's pulled up by her hair. She kicks and screams as she's dragged to the stone path.

"I was sent for the head of one wench. She will be happy to know that I've taken the lives of two."

"No, please don't." Asani cries as she begs for her life.

"You should be thanking me. It is better to die than live as the offspring of a whore."

"Perseus, don't!!" Thunder and lightening stretch across the sky, shaking the ground of the Sanctuary and frightening Asani. "She is a child!"

Zeus comes into view, anger written on all of his features.

"She looks grown to me." Perseus holds up the dagger, ready to force it through her chest.

"Seventeen years is nothing to an immortal being. She should not fall for her mother's actions. They are before her time."

"She is the product of a monster and a mortal. She should not be here."

"This is her and her mother's home. We should not be here. Medusa is gone, Athena is avenged. We are leaving." Zeus finalizes as he stands in the courtyard. Asani scoots and backs herself into the fountain as Perseus stands up straight. He lowers his weapon while keeping his eyes on her. The tears in her eyes well over.

He spits at her feet before turning to walk away.

"Do not leave your safe haven, halfbreed. You have no place among the Gods." He looks at her if she is scum, the dirt beneath his sandals. He kicks her mother's body before picking up her clothed head. Asani's heart breaks as they leave the sanctuary.

Asani scrambles to get to her mother. She cries as she holds her headless body. "Momma, no."

She bawls as she rocks back and forth. When her mother's body loses its color, she knows that she's lost her for good.

The scream that she lets out sends waves through the forest. Her shriek of anguish breaks the barrier of her oasis, so much so that it's heard throughout all of Olympus.

⚠️IMMORTAL contains mature|sensitive content including
•mild violence•
•mentions of past sexual abuse•
•emotional scenes•
•sexual content•
(based on Olympian hierarchy)
•protective Jungkook•

This story line is loosely based on Greek mythology solely for character lineage and backstory.

The known story (very paraphrased) is that Perseus was sent to kill Medusa then gifted her head to Athena out of revenge because she slept with her husband(Poseidon). However, a story exists that Poseidon actually sexually assaulted Medusa and lied about it.

This book uses that the latter for background.


Prepare to meet the Gods

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