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Zeus's Roman Equivalent

The mortal coined phrase 'party like Dionysus' has no measure of equivalence to what it truly means to do such a thing. It is an expression used to state that people will have a wild, drunken yet extremely fun party.

Nobody tops this God in celebration.

As instruments are played, the celebration of Iacchus's birthday rages on. Loud chatter and boisterous laughter fill the grand venue. Big bowls filled with wine and other forms of alcohol are on table tops being refilled as soon as they empty.

The long dining table has foods and desserts of all kinds. Most of them are favorites of the birthday deity.

In a room full of Gods, one stands alone. Surrounded by laughter and inebriation, Seokjin stares out of the window. Through the haziness of the clouds, he knows that there is a high mountain beyond. He holds his wine glass in his hand as he breathes steadily.

The white wine in his cup is half gone. It's his third glass. He isn't trying to be too drunk. He still has a trip to make after all of this. With that in mind, he drinks the final swig in his glass and goes to find his mother.

"Excuse me, pardon me, sorry." He scoots in between dancing bodies, snaking around them to get to Aphrodite. She spots him coming and stands from her chair to greet him. She hugs her son and kisses his cheeks.

"My son." She grins at him. "How are you? How is your friend?" She lowers her tone when asking the second question.

"I am good. And so is she. She's requested more wine and your buttered rolls."

"She really loves those, doesn't she? How did she say the wine was?"

"She drunk a third of the bottle to herself so I think that she enjoyed it. Her alcohol tolerance is getting a little better."

Aphrodite grins at her son. "That is good. I am happy to hear that. How is she coping?" She asks as they walk away from the hall to a less rambunctious space.

"She isn't." Seokjin states bluntly. "She has come to terms with her mother's passing. But the hope that she will one day be accepted is still within her. It isn't as strong as it once was though."

His right hand holds his left wrist behind his back as they walk.

"I wish that I could progress the minds of everyone for her. Even if only for a day, I would do it." She looks out of the window to the mountains. Her son follows her gaze. She is one of the very few people who knows what happened with Medusa. They were friends from a distance due to Olympus's hatred for her.

She was the only person that Medusa told before she fled. Aphrodite was stunned and saddened by the information. But she supported her friend in her decision. Medusa did not deserve to die.

"You and me both, Mother."


On the lower side of Olympus, two Gods prepare to make the trek into unknown territory. An unspoken rule, the Gods never approach this place. It isn't a space of common ground for Olympians.

The only beings that enter are young Gods and ones dared by their friends. Nobody chooses to be here on their own free will.

"Are you ready?"

"I was born ready, Hoseok. Do you know who my father is?" Jungkook looks at him with a grin on his face.

"Of course, I know. You only tell me every time that I see you."

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