Chapter 35: Kurumi Vs Dio

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Kurumi: Like always the humans have no respect for animals...they will never understand that animals have the same rights to live as humans.

She walked inside a forest where she saw a man beating up a poor wolf. Strange enough that a man is brave enough to fight the wolf.

Dio: That's what you get for attacking me. I make no excuses...

Kurumi: Hey, hey there...

Dio: Nani? Who are you?

Kurumi: Just a girl that wants to play...let me join your game.

Dio: I'm not playing go away before I change my mind. I'm not that nice usually.

Kurumi licked her lips as she found it cute how confident he was: Ara ara...why so unpolite.

Dio pushed her to the side: Have a great day. Now go b*tch.

Kurumi got a bit mad: asked for it.


She shot in the air to scare Dio.

Dio: Huh...

Kurumi: You left me no choice...

Kurumi was already hungry for the man begging for his life.

Dio: Don't tell me you are one of these spirit things.

Kurumi: You are a clever man...tell me if you understand the feeling of killing now? Would you ever do this to an animal again?

Dio: Every day of course! It's not like the first time I kill.

Kurumi: How many animals did you kill already?

Dio: Not only animals but if you want to many bready have you eaten in your life?

Kurumi: *getting mad*who do you think you are...just to teach you...if you kill an feels like this!!!

She took some shots at Dio her surprise he didn't even care.

Dio: Hahaha! You stupid thing. Why would this even hurt me?

Kurumi's expression changed drastically: I don't understand...why?

Dio raised a finger: Because I'm invincible.

Kurumi: Nobody is invincible except me...

Dio: So you agree to a fight. I have time for a quick kill. Like I never killed any women before.

Kurumi: Don't act like you are going to dominate...poor man.

Dio: Let's see...I won't move until you made a first shot is that fair enough? I have plans for later so make it quick.

Kurumi: To introduce myself before I kill name is Kurumi Tokisaki and I can play with the time in every way I want to...

Dio: T-Time...interesting...can you go into the past too?

Dio (thoughts): I thought only The World controls time!!!

Kurumi: Of course I can.

Dio was jealous: Hmm I can't...sad...

Kurumi: I can also clone myself?

Dio: Now I'm scared...brrrr....

Kurumi: Die!

She hit him with a bullet to freeze him in time.

Dio didn't move and it looked like Kurumi already claimed the victory.

Kurumi: Ara slow...can't even dodge a bullet.

She took her musket and aimed at Dio's head.

Kurumi: Bye bye!


She ended Dio's time freeze and began to walk away as...

Dio: You may be stronger than some other stand users...

Kurumi: You...wait...huh!?

Dio: But I can't use hamon and you don't have a stand so what can you do to me?

Kurumi: Ok...looks like I need to use more!!!

She began to clone herself.

Dio: Huh?

Dio was surrounded by an endless amount of Kurumis.

Dio: Oh, I might be screwed.

Kurumi laughed a bit: Hehe what...are you accepting your death now?

Dio: Haha would be fantastic if right? Do you want to know something before I "die"?

Kurumi: What's so important?

Dio: You...Kurumi Tokisaki...*screaming the next lines* are not the only one able to play with time.

Kurumi: Wait what?

Dio quickly raised his arms: ZA WARUDO!!!!

Kurumi and everything else was frozen.

Dio dropped to the ground.

Dio: This little girl really thought she is something special...

He walked towards her punching through her chest and leaving a big hole where her heart has been. He continued to punch everything out of her.


After he was finished, time went on again leaving a dead Kurumi on the ground. Of course, he also ripped all the clones apart.

Dio: Well...that idiotic girl really thought she could survive me...well at least this city wasn't as bored as I stop...Egypt!!!

And he disappeared.

Soon after he left another Kurumi, the main Kurumi, arrived at her clone's dead body.

Kurumi: It was the best to survive it...he's like invincible as a vampire...but making sure that he will die one day is going to be one of my new ready Dio Brando!

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