Chapter 28

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Polnareff wanted to surprise his girlfriend by visiting her as he stood in front of her apartment.

Before he knocked he heard something...she was talking to someone over the phone.

Polareff: Huh?

He held his ear against the door to listen.

Reine: Yeah last date I got more precious infos about the Crusaders. He told me everything about their trip and abilities. The plan is a success.

Polnareff suddenly felt a pain inside.

Polnareff (thoughts): She...was using me the whole time...not with me!

He broke open the door.

Reine: Huh?

Polnareff: Plan? WHICH PLAN!!

Reine:...I'll call you back.

Polnareff: So this whole thing between us happened because of your stupid plan!

Reine: How much did you hear?

Polnareff: More than enough.

Reine:'s not like that. Kotori wanted me to do it and I...

Polnareff: all of that was a fake...I get it...

Reine: Listen Polnareff...the time with you was beautiful...I even went on dates with you without asking for these things...I really started to like...

Polnareff: Thank you...but I knew that Ratatuskan and the Crusaders couldn't work together with full trust.

Reine: You mean Ratatoskr.

Polnareff: Bye...

Polnareff left heartbroken.

With Kakyoin...

He was surprise visiting Miku. Both were baking and having fun laughing together.

After they eat up Kakyoin was about to leave as he had to say something.

Kakyoin: Miku.

Miku (smiling): Yes?

Kakyoin: Do you notice how close we were in the last time.

Miku (blushing): Y-Yes...

Kakyoin: I just thought...what if...

Miku: Kakyoin...

Kakyoin: Yes?

Miku: I'm sorry...

Kakyoin: Huh?

Miku: I...I really can't...I...I already have someone...someone I love.

Kakyoin's heart shattered into millions pieces but he hid it very well.

Kakyoin (smiling): Oh really...who is it?

Miku: You know it's...Shido he saved my life that day and...

Kakyoin: Yeah haha I remember that man I'm stupid. If you need any flirting tips on him call me I'll help you hehe...

Miku: Are you really ok with that?

Kakyoin: Of course...I have to go but let's bake someday again.

Miku smiled: Of course...

Time skip...

The crusaders had a meeting discussing plans about stopping Kars.

Joseph: Am I the only one noticing or are Kakyoin and Polnareff down today?

Polnareff: We're not...

Kakyoin: Everything's fine...

(Y/N): Then concentrate! This is important.

Joseph: Come on (Y/N) how can you be so harsh...

Avdol: What happened?

Polnareff: *sighs* You guys were right...that girl just used me.

Joseph: Oh...

Kakyoin: At least you got into a relationship with her...I got dumped.

(Y/N): I told you it wouldn't work.

Kakyoin: Why did I think that couls have worked.

Joseph: Listen Kakyoin...Polnareff...there is nothing in the world that could hurt you more than a woman...

Kakyoin: Yes?

Joseph: But remember who we are...we don't need those women...we're crusaders. We're meant to change the protect it.

Polnareff: He's right...why did we waste so much time with the spirits.

Kakyoin: Exactly...I bet we even got weaker since we are with them.

(Y/N): Then...let's focus on what we can do the best...and let's defeat Kars!

Your phone rang.

(Y/N): Huh? It's Kurumi...

You picked it up.

Kurumi: (Y/N)!!!

(Y/N): Kurumi?

Kurumi: It's a chaos!!! Please come fast!!!

(Y/N): What happened.

Kurumi: We got into sudden fights...someone wants to eliminate all the spirits and to absorb our's Kars.

Avdol: What!

Joseph: Sh*t!!!

(Y/N): You are many people there right?

Kurumi: No...only me, Kotori, Tohka and Shido...the others got stuck in another fight...I don't know who but someone attacked them and they can't help us...they need help themselves.

(Y/N): We're coming!!!

Kakyoin: Looks like we got a plan out of sudden.

(Y/N): Avdol, Iggy, will head to Kurumi and the others...I, Kakyoin and the old man with help the others.

Joseph: Yes!

Kakyoin: Let's kick some butts.

Polnareff: I'm ready.

Iggy: *Bark*.

Avdol: I believe in us guys. Let's end it.

You split up to go and stop Kars and his plan


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