Chapter 34

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(Y/N): I will stop Dio and save this world...even if it costs my life.

Kurumi: Huh?

(Y/N): This is my fate...the fate I have to accept...I won't let everyone die for nothing.

Kurumi: But your head isn't clear. You will be too emotional leading to you making mistakes when fighting aggressively.

(Y/N): I'm stronger than Dio anyways.

Kurumi: Nobody's this world, everyone can kill's about timing, strategy, and tactics...power isn't the only...

(Y/N): I have a strategy...coming near him and beat the sh*t out of him.

Kurumi: Why won't you wait until we all are ready?

(Y/N): Because I'm not waiting for you. And because Dio's not waiting for you. I have no time...not for waiting for you or to worry about you all. Stay here and look after your friends I believe you are the strongest of them.

Kurumi: I you feel right now...if you believe me or not. But I'm being a bit egoistic here to show what kind of gambling you're planning to have better chances going in together with us...and with a plan...if you will die by his hand then...nobody will be able to stop him. I'm not one to admit but...stand users are way stronger than we are...I don't even know if there are stronger creatures.


Kurumi: I just want you to not regret it later...

(Y/N): Can you...maybe check on the guys in the Ratatoskr. I'm doing a walk and go to sleep then.

Kurumi: Yes...take your time.

She placed a kiss on his cheeks even though he didn't care or notice it. His thoughts were full of possible scenarios and outcomes. In a simple 1v1, he has good chances against Dio now where he is more experienced. But it's Dio Brando. A master of tricking and strategies. And his abilities to adapt to situations are deadly.

(Y/N) (thoughts): It's now where I much I needed the much I relied on them...but she's right...I won't give him the free win.


Dio: I didn't like that people interfered. I wanna have my fight with him alone...he wouldn't stand a chance. (Haha..."stand" a chance...very funny Jojo joke. What? You don't think so...well then you just didn't underSTAND it XD)

Dio: Round went to him...round two to me...the final round will decide. And then there's nothing that could ever stop me!

Back to (Y/N)...

(Y/N): With them and a plan the chances to win are big...but winning without anyone dying seems impossible. Not even the crusaders managed to ever fight him without a few dying. But I will not lose anyone again...but if Dio wins...everyone will lose everything that's for sure. If only...there was a way ...

He suddenly had specific thoughts in his head.

(Y/N): Wait...if what I read in the database is right...the D.E.M data combined with Ratatoskr gives a whole story...people die...spirits live. The D.E.M wants Shido Itsuka. Shido Itsuka...saved in the database as Shido Takamiya...Takamiya...wait...the first spirit...

He was combining all the pieces to a puzzle.

(Y/N): Come on think! Logically...if it's definitely is!!!!

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