Chapter 11

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Suzie Q: So, Kurumi...tell us...where exactly are you living?

Kurumi: I live in an apartment in the center of Tengu City. It's not that big but for a woman living alone, it's enough.

Suzie Q: Did you ever think of marrying and living together with a strong handsome man. If so, then (Y/N) here might be a perfect choice.

(Y/N): Grandma...I don't know why you want me to marry someone that always do this in front of girls.

Suzie Q: Awww but I really want you to have children...and that before it's too late so I can't meet them.

(Y/N): You're already a grandma what else do you want.

Joseph: Hehe darling you can't just say something like this maybe the girl feels uncomfortable.

Kurumi: Well (Y/N) seems like a good boy in my eyes...maybe he should do something about his impoliteness but in general he's an attractive man.

Kurumi said that to annoy you because she knew that your mom and your grandma are going to annoy you even more now.

Suzie Q: You heard it (Y/N)! That's your future wife!


Holy: My boy is growing up so fast...please give him a chance Kurumi.

(Y/N): Yare, are...I can't believe that I have such stupid relatives...

Kurumi: Well I like them...they are very polite...even your grandfather if you get to know him.

Joseph: can learn from her (Y/N).

(Y/N) (thoughts): This girl is such a good actor...I already saw her true self when she tried to kill me...

You had a nice idea to make her feel uncomfortable as she won't find a way out of this.

(Y/N): Well Kurumi...tell us about your past.

Kurumi: M-My past?

(Y/N): weren't born a spirit if I remember...tell us what happened.

Joseph: I also want to a girl can become a spirit...

Kurumi: be honest it's a bit personal...

Suzie Q: Oh, come on don't have to be ashamed.

Holy: Trust us we won't tell anyone.

Kurumi: Oh...ok...if you really want to know.

(Y/N) (thoughts): Now tell them! Tell them what kind of monster you are.

Kurumi: I was once an ordinary human before becoming a Spirit. I grew up as the daughter of a rich family and I've been beloved by my parents. However, one day while returning home I was getting attacked by a monster. Luckily, I was saved when a girl wearing a dress made of light killed the monster. The girl introduced herself as Mio Takamiya and claimed herself to be an "ally of justice". She told me that the monster was called a Spirit and asked me if I want powers like hers to help her fight them. Wanting to protect my family and friends, I accepted and was given my angel Zafkiel. That was the day...I became a spirit.

(Y/N) (thoughts): What kind of bullsh*t is this!

Kurumi: Working together with Mio, I began hunting down Spirits, with me killing at least over 50 evil Spirits during that time. However, one day after killing a Spirit, I left Mio with the usual task of cleaning up the body. However, after leaving like usual, this time I decided to turn back and invite Mio to come with her to my friend Sawa's house. However, to my horror, instead of a monster lying on the ground, I found my best friend Sawa lying dead as Mio was holding a red Sephira Crystal. Realizing my best friend Sawa was the Spirit and that I had killed her...I started to inverse. However, before I completely transformed, I used my fourth bullet to reverse time and prevent the transformation by returning to a moment before being overwhelmed by despair.

Suzie Q: Oh, that's sad...I didn't know...

Holy: Oh god I'm sorry for forcing you to tell us this...

Joseph (having Caesar flashbacks): *Sobbing* She lost her best friend...

Kurumi: Mio then revealed the truth: both her identity as the First Spirit and how she was having the Sephira Crystals bond with humans, turning them into monsters, and then killing the host in order to slowly refine the Crystals. Mio claimed that she intended to entrust the Sephira Crystals to those chosen among humanity but hesitated when she was asked about her motives. Then, Mio thanked me for all the work so far before causing me to blackout. After some unknown amount of time had passed, I woke up in a giant crater after causing a space quake, with no recollection of anything except how the powers of my angel worked. Just as an AST team was preparing to attack me, I fled the scene by escaping into my shadow. While deliberately the current situation, I eventually resolved to use the tenth bullet on myself to regain my memories. Afterwards, I swore no matter what it takes...I will use my twelfth bullet to travel back in time in order to kill Mio and prevent the existence of Spirits from ever happening. If that happens, I will save so many lives and so much horror...and most importantly I can end so much suffering...

Kurumi managed to make the three older ones emotional as you sat there with no emotions at all.

(Y/N) (thoughts): Buhu...what a "touching" story...if she's stupid enough to fall for these kinds of tricks then she deserved it. Anyways that story might be made up so just forget it.

But wasn't made up. Kurumi just finally had the opportunity to open herself to three humans that would keep it a secret and a boy that wouldn't even believe. Maybe she also wants them to know so...maybe...she will get the help of some stand users to complete her mission.


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