Chapter 21

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With Shido...midnight...

Tohka, Kotori and the rest were already asleep at home. Shido used the opportunity of them all being asleep to sneak outside as he promised someone to meet her there.

They decided for midnight because the Stardust Crusaders and the Spirit squad shouldn't see them.

Shido walked around the park as he was too early. He was happy to finally have her again.

???: Hehe...looks like you're also way too early...I just couldn't wait to see you again.

Shido: Kurumi!

And no it wasn't the real Kurumi. The real Kurumi was asleep at her home with (Y/N) also falling asleep there as they investigated the whole night to find out about the Kurumi clone's intention...and this Kurumi clone is the Kurumi being here with Shido...the Kurumi that came back to life once just to spend a day with Shido (The clone from the OVA).

After the real Kurumi killed her off again she had one last see Shido again no matter when this will happen. And she really came back...again.

Shido took her into a hug as he started to feel way better to finally feel her again.
Kurumi: I'm so glad I can finally be with you again...

Shido: We have to watch out...people are after us...the Stardust Crusaders and...
Kurumi: I know...I spied long enough on my other self to find out about them...looks like the other Kurumi is interested in this (Y/N).

Shido: Yes...

Kurumi (smiling): But my heart beats for you Shido.

Both had a comfortable feeling around their hearts as both blushed on Kurumi's comment.

Shido let a little tear running down his face.

Kurumi: Hey...why are you crying Shido?

Shido: I'm scared...I already lost you two times...I'm so scared to lose you...if that happens I...

Kurumi: Don't worry, please...

A very tiny tear escaped the eyes of the clone but they were so small Shido didn't even see them.

Kurumi: After all that happened I will never leave you again...that's a promise...
She patted Shido's head as both lay down on the ground the enjoy the beautiful view of the stars and the bright moon.

There arms were locked the entire times as they felt their warmth. They didn't talk about the past or thought about the future. What was important was the moment now.

1 hour later...

Shido and the clone were talking about many things as Shido began to mention something.

Shido: Hey...why exactly...did you attack D.E.M industries?

Kurumi: Oh you already know about it?

Shido: Yes...that might be the main reason they search you now.

Kurumi: Well...I noticed that someone tried to kill you...hired by D.E.M industries...

Shido: Oh...the Stand User...

Kurumi: Luckily the Crusaders stopped him but...I was scared that D.E.M would try to eliminate you again...and when I spied at them one day I heard how new machines and gears were at night...pretending I'm the real Kurumi to confuse (Y/N)...I broke in and destroyed all of their progression.

Shido: Against all those wizards? All on your own...

Kurumi: It sounds stupid...but I'm much stronger than the Kurumi you know...I mastered my inversion...

Shido: What?

Kurumi: Even the wizards have no chance against me now...

Shido: How did you master it? I thoughts that's impossible for a spirit to master it and...

Kurumi: Hehe...

Shido: Why are you laughing?

Kurumi: I simply had the will to save you...that was enough for me to master it...

Shido: Kurumi...

Kurumi: I don't know how and why...I just know that I wanted to protect you and then...I'm able to become stronger than anyone else. I will protect you from everyone even if it's a Stand User.

Shido: Please try to avoid a fight...the Crusaders are strong...they defeated all the other spirits without any effort...

Kurumi: Trust me...if someone tried to get between us...I will fight this person with everything inside me.

Shido held Kurumi's hand: Same for me...

Kurumi slightly blushed and smiled as she leaned in for a kiss.


Westcott: Oh yes did a good job but it's over soon...I just have to figure out a way to use this beautiful power and absorb it. Yes...when I can make use of your power you idiot...the world is mine!!!

He looked a the stone the D.E.M fished from the space and transported it into their laboratory.

M fished from the space and transported it into their laboratory

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