Chapter 13

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The other girls left due to some activities as it was only Shido and Tohka.

Tohka: Shido! Wanna go on a date after school? Reine gave me some tickets for the zoo!

Shido: Oh, right after...

Tohka: I mean only if you really want to...

Shido: Of course, Tohka...I would really like to go on a date with you.

Tohka: Yay...

From another perspective...

???: Yes, my dear Shido...time do die!

(Y/N) and Kakyoin were following them through the halls as they noticed something.


You said as you ran and speared Shido.

Tohka: Hey! Why did you do that? He has done nothing...

And then a big steel beam fell down as it crashed against the ground right where Shido stood.

Shido: W-What?

Tohka: Oh god that could have killed Shido!

(Y/N): Then stop shouting and be quiet you b*tch!

Kakyoin: Great reflex (Y/N) saw that the connection of steel beam slowly dissolved. I was just about to do something too.

Shido: That would have been very I don't know how to thank you.

That maybe changed how Shido thinks about you.

Kakyoin: Look at that?

A green weird mucus was sticking on the exact sports where the metal beam broke.

(Y/N): It was clear...

Kakyoin: Sabotage...

Shido: Sabotage?

Tohka: Someone planned this?

Shido: But why...this must be the work of D.E.M...some wizards probably sabotaged the metal beam...(Y/N) I owe you one...
Kakyoin: Let's go back to class...I don't want to get problems at my first day here.

Time skip...

It was after school. You and Kakyoin secretly followed Shido and Tohka on their date.

Kakyoin: I knew that you lie to them when you behaved like it's no big deal.
(Y/N): My instinct tells me that this is more work than just the one of wizards...they would have done it by just attacking him directly...people who kill their people secretly...without themselves interacting and looking innocent...are people with Stands.

Kakyoin: I also thoughts of one...but we don't know what we have to fight against or who.

(Y/N): Yeah...just like in Egypt...

Their date just began as both entered the zoo.

Tohka and Shido were about to have a great day...well at least if Shido survives it.

Kakyoin: Awww...they are so cute don't you think. Two teenagers in love with each other having a beautiful day together.

(Y/N): Teenagers? You're also just a teenager!

There you noticed something. As Shido was about to enter the zoo with Tohka one of the metal signs above him began to wiggle around.

(Y/N): Kakyoin!

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