Chapter 23

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(Y/N): Was it your clone then?

Kurumi: I guess so...yeah, she really is annoying...

(Y/N): That bastard...I thought he's a proud one, but he joined the enemy's side...

Kurumi: Hmm...Shido was very sad when I killed her in front of him the last time...I'm sure he doesn't want to tell us anything because he knows what I'm going to do with her.

(Y/N): Yare, yare...this boy and his will to protect the least he has a good intention behind it still...he's putting his emotions too much over this.

Kurumi: So, what are we doing now?

(Y/N): How about we go and eat something...I'm feeling a bit hungry.

Kurumi: Yeah, I haven't eaten something in a while so...

???: Oh, look who we have here!

(Y/N) and Kurumi: Huh?

Ellen: A spirit I still have to kill and a boy that needs a lesson...

(Y/N): Oh you...yare yare...want to fight again?

Kurumi: (Y/N) please you always have to deal with them. Let me do the job for you this time.

(Y/N): It's not like I have something against beating up those idiots.

Kurumi: Yeah, but this time I want to protect you.

Ellen: Then come on you stupid idiot!

Ellen rushed at you with her sword as you stood there not being scared at all.

Star Platinum was about to punch her as...

(Y/N): Nani?

She dodged Star Platinum and was in front of you.

She swung her sword and was about to chop off your head.

Luckily Kurumi came to drag you back as Ellen only cut you a bit in your neck...not that deep but it bleeds.

Kurumi: (Y/N) are you ok? Zayin!

She healed you as you said...

(Y/N): Yes but...something's wrong...that woman is different from the last time...hey you!

Ellen: Me? Don't worry boy I will end you two soon. Let's just say that the D.E.M found a special...source. Now your stands are nothing compared to my power. I have to say Westcott did a good job in extracting the power into our equipment.

Kurumi transformed into her astral dress and you prepared to fight Ellen.

(Y/N): Kurumi what are you doing?

Kurumi: I'm fighting?

(Y/N): No, you go...

Kurumi: Huh...why!?

(Y/N): If someone manages to surprise me like that...then it would be too dangerous to let you fight...

Kurumi: Hey I can't leave you alone!!!

(Y/N): It's not because I care for you...but now go! I didn't ask you.

Kurumi: Then I will go and get the other Crusaders.

(Y/N): I will fight her meanwhile. Tell them that it's serious...I sense something very powerful in her.

Kurumi disappeared as it was just you and Ellen.

Ellen: Prepare to I will get my revenge!

(Y/N): We'll see about that!


Miku: Do you think that I should really wear this to my next concert?

Kakyoin: Trust look like an angel in this.

Miku blushed: can you say something like this you're making me embarrassed.

Kakyoin: Because I wanted to see that reaction.

Miku: *Sigh*...I'm wondering if I will ever see you not being cool in any situation.

Kakyoin: Well just never go crazy about anything...unless you're cute while doing so like you.

Miku: Hey!

???: Guys!

Miku: Who...Kurumi?

Kakyoin: Oh hello. Do you want to help us picking the right clothes for Miku?

Kurumi: Listen it's an emergency!

With Joseph...

Joseph on the phone: (Y/N) needs our help?

Avdol: What's on Joseph?

Polnareff: What do you mean?

Joseph: It was Kakyoin! Head into the city (Y/N) needs our help...the D.E.M attacked him but they're suddenly stronger or something...

Avdol: And (Y/N) needs our help?

Polnareff: Must be something serious then!!!

Joseph: We have to be fast!

Polnareff: Wait I call Reine to pick us up with that airship! That's the fastest way to get to him.

Avdol: What are you waiting for then?


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