Chapter 16

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(Y/N): I'll make that clear...if there will be one more assassin in the future other than the one you already sent...the Stardust Crusaders will destroy the whole D.E.M. industries.

Westcott: Well, it won't come that far. D.E.M industries planned nothing evil it's just about the people.

(Y/N): I hope that...

Westcott: Ellen, Ellen you didn't have to come here with your injuries you're just making them worse.

(Y/N): Maybe you should listen to your boss old girl. Your wizard technology sh*t might be strong enough to fight spirits, but your chances against any Stand User is zero...even the one you sent after Shido Itsuka. If he wants to, he could just kill you all here...

Westcott: I don't think that one Stand User is enough to destroy the D.E.M industries. Would your Stand do it?

(Y/N): If your best wizard is like a toy for me then what can your others do...if you want to talk so much about my Stand powers then I guess you already know about my abilities.

Westcott: I did so much research...I'm just stunned you could say I'm your number one fan.

Westcott lied as he only wanted to find out how strong you are. It would be important for his plan to rule the world.

(Y/N): Anyways I'm leaving.

Westcott: Until the next time...(Y/N) (L/N).

You didn't respond and took the elevator.

And of course, your day wasn't over someone was surprising you as soon as you stepped out of the building. And it was the sadistic girl.

Kurumi: Ara, ara (Y/N). I didn't know you are walking around here.

(Y/N): Yare, had to appear right?

Kurumi: That we meet is nothing but a coincidence. I just wanted to break into D.E.M industries to get something back they owe me.

(Y/N): Much fun and...wait. Did I understand that right?
Kurumi: It has nothing to do with you or the's something between me and them.

(Y/N): What is the thing you want to get back?

Kurumi: That's a secret...or do you wanna know every secret about a girl.

(Y/N): No...I don't care...not even a bit. Have fun.
Kurumi: You're so different than the other boys (Y/N) hehe...


Kurumi: Huh?

Star Platinum: ZA WARUDO!!!

Time stopped as you noticed a big sharp piece of metal being over Kurumi's head.

(Y/N): Looks like...I made it in time. This must be the work of the Corpse Man again. Guess he's trying to kill the spirits as well. Maybe because he wants to ruin our mission after we ruined his.
Star Platinum took the metal piece and punched it so hard that it became to dust.

The time began to move again as Kurumi was scared: Why would you yell that name!

(Y/N): No need to thank me.

Kurumi: Huh...

She noticed the dust of the metal above her.

Kurumi: What is this...when did you?

(Y/N): You owe me something Kurumi.

Kurumi (thoughts): At least he doesn't call me...

(Y/N): You b*tch...

Kurumi (thoughts): Anyways...

With Kakyoin...

Miku was at home alone as she heard the bell ringing.

Miku: I'm coming!

Miku (thoughts): This must be the post. Finally, I'm waiting for...

She opened it as she saw the boy she didn't really want to see now.

Kakyoin: What a beautiful bright moon today right?

She wanted to close the door against as Kakyoin used his foot to stop it.

Kakyoin: No, no...this is a check.

Miku: What kind of check?

Kakyoin: That you don't do stupid stuff of course.

Miku: But I...

Anyways Kakyoin stepped inside.

Miku was sick of it and used her abilities to give Kakyoin commands.

Miku: You...go home right now.

As Kakyoin was no spirit or kind of spirit it should work against him but...

Kakyoin: Don't act as you want me out. Come on show me your house.

Miku: But why isn't it working!!!

Kakyoin: Wow...

Miku: Huh? What is "wow"?

Kakyoin: Your's way bigger than the one (Y/N) lives in...this might be a villa!

Miku: Well, I mean...if I can afford it...

Kakyoin: Hehe guess that's the life of a superstar.

Miku: Aren't you popular too?

Kakyoin: We are anonymous to ordinary people there aren't many who really know us. I mean there might still be people who worked for Dio and want us dead.

Miku: Who is Dio?

Kakyoin: Long story but to sum it up...a crazy vampire/ stand user who tried to rule this world and get all the power.

Miku: Woah...wait. How strong was he?

Kakyoin: We fought him as the whole Stardust Crusaders, and it was close...we barely survived...we managed to win in the I said a close one.

Miku: What do you mean with barely survived?

Kakyoin unbuttoned his jacket and pulled up his shirt.


He showed her the scar he had when he fought Dio. The part where once there was a hole in his body...almost killing him.

Miku: It looks painful...h-he put a hole into you...

Kakyoin: It was like this...when I thought I had Dio...he stopped the time.

Miku: H-He could do that too?

Kakyoin: The problem was I didn't know that before...

Kakyoin explaining how it happened: (go to 1:43 and end it at 2:04)

Miku: That's awful!


Kurumi X Reader(JOJO)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora