Chapter 15

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(Y/N): Where is Polnareff?

Avdol: Polnareff said that he was stuck in a traffic jam he'll arrive soon.

Joseph: Notice how it's always Polnareff being late for meetings.

Kakyoin: Calm down guys...(Y/N)'s mom is so nice I could stay here for the whole day.

Don't get wrong thought he meant that the cookies she baked for them were nice and that she is a good host.

Holy: Oh, you don't have to say that Kakyoin hehe...oh yes, I even made some for the dog.

She baked a bone shaped cookie with dog food just for Iggy. He jumped to catch it and ate it in one bite barking in joy and licking Holy's hand to thank her.

It tickled so she just laughed and patted the dog's hat.

Bell rings...

Your mom opened the door as Polnareff stepped inside.

Polnareff: Oh, hello miss (L/N). How are you doing since your illness?

Holy: Good...I'm great. The only thing we're worrying about is why I became that ill.

(Y/N): Anyways Polnareff come here we have to talk.

Polnareff: Yes.

Avdol: I also want to know why you wanted us here.

Joseph: Did something happen?

(Y/N): It's about this blue haired boy.

Polnareff: You mean Shido Itsuka...this one guy the girls talk about yeah, I've seen this dude before. He was with that one spirit know the one with the purple hairs...honestly their hair colours are all mixed up I don't understand the Japanese.

(Y/N): However...during school and sometimes on their date someone tried to kill them by letting it look like an accident...and it was D.E.M that paid the guy to do so.

Kakyoin: (Y/N) and I managed to prevent his death without them recognizing...we didn't want to ruin their date but after a while this dude started to go for us...well and as he noticed that he won't be able to catch us by surprise he just showed himself. A Stand User with a stand uglier than everything you could imagine...eww I don't want to remember.

Joseph: You encountered a Stand User!!! Did something happen to you?

(Y/N): Not a single thing...Kakyoin was able to defeat him easily but was too stupid and let him run away.

Kakyoin: It's complicated you guys would understand...what we're trying to say is that first of all this dude might be going after us. And second there is a chance that there will be more assassins for Itsuka Shido and that's why (Y/N) is going to talk with the big boss from D.E.M.

Avdol: If I remember it right it's this Isaac Westcott.

(Y/N): I will make clear that it will stop. I'm sure he already knows that we are much stronger...I also hate the look of that guy. His shitty suit and those stupid white hairs.

Polnareff: Ouch...

Kakyoin: No, they only look good on you Polnareff you're the exception.

Joseph: Feels like Egypt...but it feels like Egypt on easy mode.

Polnareff: Yeah...Dio was another level...he managed to almost kill us all if it wasn't for (Y/N) finding out that his Stand is able to stop time as well.

Iggy: *barking in agreement*.

(Y/N): Well then...I'm going now. If something happens use your damn mobile phones to contact the others.

Polnareff: I have to go anyways...I'll prepare for my date.

Avdol: How is some moron like you lucky enough to get a date haha!

Joseph: Hahaha!

Of course, they were joking and happy for Polnareff.

Polnareff: Look at me...who could deny the French gentleman?

Kakyoin: Well in Egypt...

Polnareff: Forget Egypt!!!

Joseph: Who is the lucky one being able to experience love from French today?

Polnareff: That one sexy girl working for Ratatoskr.

Avdol: I don't know who you mean but as long as you don't do stupid stuff...

Kakyoin: Actually, I'm also going.

Joseph: And where does it take you?

Kakyoin: Mr Joestar I really have to meet this girl again. The one they call Miku.

Joseph: I think that your chances on her are pretty low...

Kakyoin: That's why so many guys miss the opportunity to get the girls they want...because they give up way too early.

And so Kakyoin, (Y/N) and Polnareff was like 7 p.m. Not completely dark outside but it began to turn into night.

(Y/N) already entered into the D.E.M building with everyone doing what he says because he scared everyone just by his appearance...he's known for beating up workers there if they mess with him.

The elevator needed some time to reach the office room of Isaac Westcott.

As you arrived you could already hear him.

Westcott: Oh my...I must be lucky to meet a Stardust Crusader live.

(Y/N): Listen...Westcott. To make that clear I'm not working for you to help you with your plans. I'm trying to make that city safe and I try to stop those space quakes.

Westcott: So, what's the problem?

(Y/N): Shido Itsuka already managed to do so with his secret abilities to seal them.

Westcott: Wouldn't it be easier to wipe them all away?

(Y/N): Two things...first you're trying to kill him by sending hitmans after Itsuka...and if you just want to kill them why would you command your wizards to capture some of them!

Westcott: With some experiments we might be able to also prevent further...

(Y/N): I can already smell that you're lying...

Westcott got surprised as you punched him very hard making him spit some blood.

Westcott took it easy, stood up and used a handkerchief to wipe the blood away.

Westcott: I see you are serious...

You noticed something...that one wizard you've beaten up before came in to attack you from behind. She was still bandaged.

Ellen: Don't you dare touching Isaac West...urghh...

Star Platinum punched her very, very hard into her stomach letting her moan in pain again.

(Y/N): I'll make that clear...if there will be one more assassin in the future other than the one you already sent...the Stardust Crusaders will destroy the whole D.E.M. industries.


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