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Lucas, Maxon and Damon sat at the desk looking at the computer screen. Grayson was waiting and listening on the phone that was sitting on the desk in front of them. They wanted answers they felt they deserved to have.

They waited.

The unmistakable call sound over skype echoed through the room until it didn't.

"Ah Lucas. I see you have your brothers with you. How are you boys?"

Niceties out of the way with seconds. None on this end were willing to let Marcus get away without answering questions.

"You didn't tell me the boys would be there Lucas. Your mother will be upset to know she missed them."

Lucas smirked a sideways smirk.

"Like last time Dad? You really must think we're stupid to let you get away with that again."

Marcus shifted in his seat with a slight reddening of his cheeks at being caught out.

"So what can I do for you boys?"

"Well Marcus" Damon started before Maxon jumped in.

"You're a two faced fûcking ársehole Marcus."

"Oh really Maxon?" Marcus scoffed "What exactly are you basing that assumption on? Would it be experience? Your own behaviour maybe? What about that pretty little Red you once had? You weren't exactly a poster child for the best boyfriend awards. In fact you were pathetic."

Maxon laughed loudly.

"Are you fúcking serious? I made a mistake, fuck I made alot of them but I owned eveey one of my mistakes. I never once fúcked another woman while I was with Red. Unlike you Marcus I have fúcking morals!"

Marcus chuckled and his eyebrows raised with an amused expression.

"So I guess this is like an intervention then? Well damn! Let's call Dr Phil and get his take on all of this too."

"Don't be a dipshít Dad. Just explain to us all why Mum agreed to let you screw other women. What words did you use to convince her? That's what we all want to know. She's our mother for fûck sake! You screwing around doesn't sit well with any of us!"

Marcus sighed and ran a weary hand over his face.

"Does it really matter? Isn't that between your mother and I?"

"Not when it affects the rest of us it isn't! Fúck Marcus! Have you ever once stopped and considered the consequences? What Mum went through with Dad? Fúck! There's no way she'd agree to this without some sort of persuasion!" Damon slapped his hand down on the desk just barely missing the phone.

"Are you sure boys? Because honestly you won't like what I have to say! I love your mother, you all know that so be very fúcking sure you're ready for the truth boys. While it's not bad on your mothers side there were things..." he paused and they looked at one another with a nod "just be sure!"

Grayson's voice came across the phone.

"Just say it Marcus."

"Are you all sure? Once I say the words..."

"Say it!" Maxon ground out with a clenched jaw.

Again Marcus ran his hands over his hair.

"Nicholas... Nicholas raped your mother repeatedly over the years. When we got together... well... she was petrified of sex of any description. Even cuddling was a problem."

Pawned Virtue - #wattys2015 BK4 TPBS - Completed 1st draftWhere stories live. Discover now