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(This is a continuation of chapter 3 but in Sunghoon pov)

Sunghoon pov

After Riki and I had that little moment thing I couldn't think properly.

I don't even know how it happened. One second we were just sitting there the next second we were about to kiss. I just don't know how.

It's been bothering me ever since it happened.

I think it's obvious that I like him but I don't know if he does. But if he was going to kiss me too than he must like me in someway.

I flopped on my bed at Jays house with a sigh.

"Oh fuck I've turned into Jake" I said running my hand through my hand.

I mean this isn't my first crush but it feels like it. I've dated many people before but I don't know Riki is different.

"Yep I'm totally Jake now" I said to myself nodding in embarrassment.

I mean I will see Riki more often does that mean I have to talk to him about that? What if he talks to me about it I'm sure I'd die.

I decided to stop thinking about it for the night. Although I doubt I'll sleep with him on my mind.

While I was thinking Jay came into my room.

"I heard you say you've turned into Jake so what childlike thing are you going through?" He asked sitting in a chair just ready for me to say something.

"I think I like Riki" I said and his shoulders dropped.

"That's it?" He asked and I nodded confused.

"Yeah that's it"

"I knew you liked him. So what happened?" He said.

"I don't know I mean we almost kissed so I will ha-" I was cut off.

"You almost what!?" He basically yelled making me flinch then realize I haven't told anyone.

"Yeah long story short. You guys went in a race we talked then almost kissed then Sunoo ran over" I said like it was nothing.

"Damn what a high school love story." Jay said disinterested. "You better say something I'm not dealing with a crush or whatever the hell you feel."

With that he got up and left. I was surprised. My dude walks in her wants me to tell him my personal shit and then just leave.

Wow cousin shit.

I decided I would talk to Riki the next time I would see him. Jay doesn't want to deal with a childlike crush and neither do I.

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