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Riki pov

It was morning at the dorm. I had woken up but because we had no class today I decided to go back to sleep. Until Sunoo woke up.

"Get up bitches" he yelled throwing open the blinds making me and Jungwon groan.

"Fuck Sunoo it's 9:00 in the morning. Let me sleep" I groaned burying my face in my pillow.

"He's right Riki I need to get up" Jungwon said although making no sign of getting up.


"I have to go back to my house. My brother invited my cousin over so I have to go see them and all that shit" Jungwon said finally getting up.

"Ooh Jay" Sunoo said smiling at the thought of him. Jungwon rolled his eyes in disgust.

"Why did you have to date my brother?" Jungwon asked shaking his head.

"I don't know maybe because he's hot" Sunoo said with an eye roll.

"Ooh I smell a fight" I said suddenly interested in the conversation.

"Nope. No fights I need to leave" Jungwon said getting clothes and going into the bathroom.

"I'm coming too. I want to see my boyfriend" Sunoo said smiling all lovey.

"HE'S STILL MY BROTHER YOU KNOW!" Jungwon yelled from the bathroom.

"Well because you are all leaving and I have nothing to do I'll come too" I said and Jungwon came out of the bathroom.

"Thank God I need someone to talk to other than my cousin and stupid ass brother" Jungwon said and Sunoo got offended.

"Um your stupid ass brother is my boyfriend" Sunoo said. I had no energy to break up fights so I changed the subject.

"Why is your cousin coming over. Isn't he like 40" I asked and Jungwon shook his head.

"No he's 35. And I have no clue why he still comes around same with my brother now he is 40" Jungwon said and Sunoo once again got offended.

"Actually he's 33. You as his brother should know that" Sunoo said with his know it all face.

"Mkay whatever. Can you keep getting ready under an hour?" Jungwon asked and Sunoo laughed.

"Under an hour. Cute" He answered getting his clothes and going to change.

"What's your cousins name?" I asked.

"Sunghoon. He is so annoying. You wouldn't like him" Jungwon complained while brushing his hair.

"Hmm" I said.

Once we were all ready we drove to Jungwons house. We went inside and Jungwon yelled.

"Hello fucker" Jungwon yelled and we knew he was talking to Jay.

"Wow that's rude" Jay said coming out of no where with a boy.

"Baby!" Sunoo said happily running to hug him.

"Oh hi how did you sleep?" He asked.

"Good" Sunoo said and Jay nodded.

"That's good"

"Holy shit their still at it" Jungwon said and they both rolled their eyes.

"Sorry your single" Sunoo sassed.

"Jay that's my best friend and Sunoo that's my brother. Don't do anything stupid" Jungwon said I held back laughter and they both looked offended.

"Ok so I'm going to change the subject. Riki Sunoo this is Sunghoon me and Jungwons cousin" Jay introduced him and he just waved a bit. Shy.

"Jungwon Jake and Heeseung are coming over so be quiet upstairs." Jay warned.

"Whatever you say" Jungwon said and we went upstairs.

"Is Sunghoon shy?" I asked Jungwon.

"A bit I guess" Jungwon said uninterested.

"He's kind of cute" I said shrugging.

"Oh god do you like him?" Sunoo squealed.

"No of course not. Just because I say I think he looks good doesn't mean I like him" I said pushing Sunoo.

"Hmm sure" Sunoo said. We looked at Jungwon who looked like he could throw up any second.

"What the fuck is it with my best friends liking my family members who are 10000 years older than them" Jungwon said annoyed.

"I don't like him. Be mad at Sunoo" I said pointing at him.

Although that wasn't true. Riki does like Sunghoon.


Here's the first chapter.

I really wanted to publish this but then I will be gone until April 27th. I will also update 'Spike' sometime today.

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