Chapter 27

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Cam's POV

It's been a week since Rose told us about Morgan. Lex reached out to her contacts in France, and they have launched an investigation into Morgan's welfare.

I contacted Romain and he filled me in on the foster parents. He did mention that Morgan still comes by his place from time to time; and he and his new girlfriend make sure she feels safe. In the event we are able to get Morgan out of her foster parents hands, Romain will step in till Scarlett and I can get there.

On that note, we all sat down and discussed the possibility of Morgan coming to live with us. She is 16 years old, legally an adult in two years. She is quite smart and loves playing soccer. Scarlett and I decided we would be the ones to adopt her, if we could.

"Hey Cam." Lex said, sticking her head into my office. I looked up and she motioned for me to follow. We walk into her office and I hear her friend Bernard talking to Scarlett and Lizzie.

"Ok, everyone on here now, Bernard, what did you find out?" Lex asked.

"So, after your call, we launched an investigation, and with the surprise inspection, we discovered that the foster father was in fact mentally and physically abusing Morgan. Morgan was taken from the home, along with her few possessions, and we were able to photograph her abuse, and present it as evidence."

"Where is she right now, Bernard?" I asked.

"She is safe with Romain and Katharine, for the time being."

"What about our petition to adopt her?" I asked.

"That is why I called, you have been approved, pending a home inspection. We will arrive in two days' time, and I will have Morgan with me."

"Bernard, please allow us to pay your travel expenses. We will send our private jet, to allow you all privacy, and to make Morgan feel more comfortable, please allow Romain and Morgan to travel with her. We have two guest homes on our property, and you will have full access to the compound. I can also arrange a tour of the school Morgan will attend with Rose."

"Thank you so much, Mrs. McKnight. I'm sure the committee will appreciate your kindness. I will send you all the details prior to our visit."

"Thank you Bernard, you have been a great help." Lex said kindly.

"No, thank you both for bringing this to our attention, and honestly for the kindness you have shown. I look forward to meeting you all soon. Good Day."

As the zoom call ended, I looked at Lex, Scarlett, and Lizzie, breathing a sigh of relief.

"That poor girl, I don't even want to know what they inflicted on her," Lizzie said quietly.

"She is safe now Lizzie, and in just a few days, she will be with us." I said softly.

As we made our way into the main house, we were met with the sounds of our children. All 8 of them, being completely insane. I looked up as a soccer ball flew at my head.

"Mav and Kris, take it outside!! You know we don't allow soccer indoors!" I said laughing

"Sorry Momma."

"Sorry Auntie Cam."

I watch them run out the door, followed closely by Cosmo and Pax.

Rose was sitting on the couch, listening to music and reading, while Lilly laid with her head in her lap, and Thena and Jake sat quietly watching Paw Patrol.

"Rose, sweetie, can we talk to you privately?" I said to her.

She looked up at me and smiled. Lifting Lilly up and sitting her on the couch, she then followed us to the kitchen.

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