Chapter 13: Everything I Didn't Say

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Michael's P.O.V.

The next day, I can't wait until lunch when Luke, Calum and I hang out in the music room and jam on our guitars because I'm planning on playing the song for them, hoping they'll like it. I still can't believe I managed to write something like this. I don't even know what came over me last night, but it resulted in this and I will forever be grateful for that.

Opening the door to the music room, I walk in and Calum and Luke are already sitting and tuning their guitars. I greet and plop down next to them, grabbing my guitar and preparing it, too.

"Hey, so I wrote a song yesterday," I begin.

"Dude, really? Well let's hear it!" Calum smiles, putting down his guitar. Luke agrees and does the same.

"Yeah, so, I think it's a little rough, but I don't know," I say, flipping through my notebook and finding the page with my music.

"Just go!" Luke pushes and grins.

"Okay, okay," I reply. Inhaling a deep breath, I start strumming the opening chords and then singing the lyrics, keeping my eyes on the page the entire time. I can't tell you what their expressions are like since I'm so focused on the song. I haven't told them about being in love with Monica either so I'm also really nervous, even though I shouldn't be because these are my friends.

Soon, I'm finished and I look up to see shocked faces on both Calum and Luke. I can't determine if they're good expressions or bad ones.

" wrote that?" Luke starts. I nod.

"Dude, that's amazing. We're definitely doing that," Calum responds.

"Yeah, that song is perfect," Luke answers.

"Really?" I swallow.

"Oh yeah," Calum replies. "By the way, I'm just curious, but was that song about someone special?"

"Um, well, kinda, yeah," I stutter, glancing down.

"Oooh, who is she?" Luke teases.

"Nobody," I say.

"Hmm, is it Heather?" Calum tries.

"No, and please don't guess," I complain. They both look at each other.

"That means we have to guess. Is it...oh! Bella! You're always checking her out in class," Luke suggests.

"No, it's not her, and no, I don't check her out!" I claim, scrunching up my eyebrows at their accusation.

"What about Tatiana? You constantly hang out with her," Calum points out.

"Monica, too," Luke reveals, nodding at Calum. I don't say anything because my brain is contemplating whether to run or hide, but I just sit there like an idiot with no words coming out of his mouth because too many things are running through his mind and he can't comprehend what to do.

"Ooohh! He hasn't denied it! It's either Tatiana or Monica!" Luke squeals.

"Which one?" Calum questions.

I sigh. "If you guys promise not to say anything, I'll tell you."

"We promise," they say in unison.

"Are you sure? I'm trusting you guys," I check.

"Michael, I swear I won't tell," Luke assures.

"Have I ever told any of your secrets?" Calum asks. He's got a point there.

Taking another deep breath, I finally reveal the answer. "Monica."

"Aww," they coo, making a heart with their hands.

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