Arc 5 Chap 6 : The start of a new Era

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The Obstacle Race has concluded With a disastrous results for both us and Class D

Class C has drastically closed the gap between us and they are Currently at the Top with us slightly lacking behind. Class B is also Hot on our Tail, The situation has turned for the worse. We shouldn't talk about Class D because...... Yeah

Next was the Cavalry Battle, And we watched just how the girls got wiped out, They had stood no chance. It was so easy that Sakayanagi decided to join as one of the Jockeys for fun, Although she stayed at the back lanes, It was a huge disrespect towards us

In this event, If you catch a headband You'll earn 50 Points. The reverse is also true, If your headband get snatched you'll lose 50 points alongside unit disband. However, If your unit gets destroyed without losing your headband, It would amount to nothing.

Honami took the lead during this event and pushed all the units into destruction, And it worked wonderfully. This made it easier for us to carry the next event

" Alright, Does anyone have ideas ? " After meeting with our teammates in Class D. Hirata took the lead and asked for opinions. Before anyone could say anything i rose my hand " Go ahead Ayanokouji-kun "

" Right. I assume that everyone here knows the gravity of the situation we're currently in Correct ? " I said Facing all of them, I received dejected nods " Good. Then the best course of action for us would be to try and catch as many headbands as we possibly can "

" I was thinking of the same thing Ayanokouji-kun. Do you have any ideas how to implement it ? " Asked Hirata. I nodded

" I suggest we create 2 elite units with the best students in it and send them to collect the headbands " I suggested. Everyone looked at each other

" Ayanokouji-kun. If i understand it correctly, You mean you want to send 2 units for the offense while the other 6 would protect themselves ? " Miyake voiced out. I nodded " But it would be 2vs8, Isn't it impossible to win like that ? "

" It is. However, That is in normal circumstances " 

" Normal circumstances ? " Repeated Hirata

" Allow me to explain..... " I Proceeded with explaining what my plan would be. Everyone listened intensely

" I have to say..... That is pretty bold Ayanokouji-kun " Voiced Hirata " But i understand that we need to take risks in order for us to win at this point. So i support it " 

Soon, Everyone appeared convinced with my plan. I can tell that it came from their Trust in me that i built out of no where, Well it is good that i didn't receive any serious opposition

" Good "

Shortly after, The selected students headed towards the Stage for the Battle. 4 units each class, 32 boys in total. My unit is the elite one consists of Shibata, Kanzaki, Ryouta and me as the Jockey, The other elite unit is Sudo, Hirata, Miyake and Kouenji as the Jockey

Both of our units walked in front, Allowing the other 6 to Formulate a Group protecting each other's blind spots while allowing us to to garner the headbands. We could see Ryueen's army on the other side, The person in question was on top of Albert with a wide smirk on his face, Katsuragi on the other hand was stern. Wind suddenly blown on my face

" The Fresh mesmerizing cold air that blows on my face calling for my divine beauty towards the battlefield. I Shall crush all of you like the little insects you are " Boasted Kouenji nonchalantly flipping his bangs

" Divine beauty my ass " Mocked Ryueen from the other side. 

" Hmph " Kouenji Smirked.

Soon The Battle has started. My unit alongside Kouenji charged at them, Ryueen decided to spectate the Fight in the back so it was 2v7

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