Arc 1 Chap 4 : Club Affairs

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Happy Valentine's Day Everyone, I Hope you enjoy it with your boyfriend/girlfriend and if you're single, Then Don't worry we are on the same boat

Here is a banner for an underrated ship special for valentine's day, Enjoy Reading.

On our second day of school a.k.a First day of class, We spent most of our time running through the course objectives. Surprisingly, Everyone in our class is behaving themselves, It's better than i thought, Seems like i underestimated Ichinose's leadership and grasp over the class.

Kiyo POV : That morning

It was 4:30AM, The sound of the alarm buzzing through the room as i woke up, I got ready and left the room for my morning exercises, It's Nothing like what i used to do in the white room, But enough to keep my physical condition at its peek. It is important since i'll most likely try different types of food Healthy and unhealthy ones, Slacking off might degrade my body massively, I'd Like to Avoid that at any cost.

* Time Skip Finishing the Routine *

After finishing my routine i went back to my room, Took a Shower and ate breakfast, And Prepared my self for the day. This is my second day of the school, Another day with my freedom.

I Climbed the elevator Making my first steps towards the school, On my way there, I could see some students forming groups and making their way to the school, One of which was Kushida and her friends, She already made more friends than i could in the next three years, It was enviable, But handling many relationships at once seems very difficult, And i could never be able to do that.

As i was observing the students, Someone tapped my shoulders, I Turned around to see a Bright and cheerful looking Ichinose Honami.

" Good morning Ayanokouji-kun ! " She Said With A Bright Smile

" Morning Ichinose, How Are you ? " I Said with my usual monotone voice

" I'm doing great ! I've had alot of fun yesterday, What about you ? "

" Same, I've made some friends here and there, It was Fun too "

" That's Great to hear Ayanokouji-kun, Do you mind if i walk with you to school ? "

" Sure "

The We both made our way to school, We talked about trivial things like how great the facilities are, And how we spent our points, It was rather nice talking to her, Ichinose greeted some classmates and other students on our way too, This is the perfect timing to ask her about what's on my mind.

" Ichinose what do you think of What Sensei said yesterday ? " I Asked, It would be interesting hearing her thoughts on the matter

" Well, Giving a Highschool student an allowance of 100.000 yen without any strings attached is weird. Also, Her Reaction upon hearing your question made the whole situation suspicious,'be careful' She says, Could it be that our allowance may decrease on the next month ? "

" Maybe, But haven't you noticed anything else ? " If she deduced this much, then that would be abit disappointing

" Hmm, I don't know if I'm speculating but sensei's explanation seems abit out of character for her, Comparing her tone when she explained and when she warned us, It seems like two different people " She then looked at me " Can you explain to me what made you ask that question yesterday ? "

" Yes, Before that i'd like you to do something Ichinose "

I filled her in on my theory, And about the hidden cameras and the incident that occurred yesterday on the convenience store and the strange behavior of the upperclassmen, and for my request.

Kiyotaka Of Class B ( Year 1 )Where stories live. Discover now