Ryueen Kakeru SS : Defeat

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I've never been defeated before. Not in mind games

I have been on Countless Fights, And got beaten up Countless times.

But after each defeat, I come back Stronger and stronger.

My schemes .... Were one of my strongest points.

Seeing people fall in to my schemes. Seeing their faces after being outsmarted. Was amusing.

Seeing everyone dance at the palms of my hand Brought me Joy.

Seeing their beaten face brought me Thrill.

I always tried to imagine what does it feel like to be outsmarted, Seeing stuff from their POV.

It brought me Joy, I always knew that wasn't the case. But never thought i'd imagine tasting defeat.

That's when i found about this school, An elite School that gathers Talents from all around the country.

I Enrolled hoping for amusement. But it hit me like a giant Rock.

Everyone here was Pathetic, They didn't even realize the Hints that Goblin Teacher gave us.

Knowing fully that they won't listen, I warned them, But those Retards just brushed me off. That's what i was hoping for

I proved my Intellect to those Idiots and forcefully lead them. They couldn't resist me, I gained some Powerful Foes that acknowledged me and with them i took over the class.

However, When i noticed that The Class B has been Promoted to Class A. I was Overjoyed.

Someone, Who thinks exactly like me. Already figured this out and Prevented their Fall.

I had to find that Individual. So i investigate their Figures.

I completely Brushed Ichinose off. She is too naive and her Happy-go-Lucky Attitude pisses me off.

She had an Assistant, Kanzaki Ryuuji. He was a candidate, Aswell as Ayanokouji Kiyotaka.

However, Ayanokouji was a fucking Monster. Someone who is as strong or even Stronger than me.

It was worth coming to this school after all. That Class Has Two fucking monsters, So i decided to play with them.

However, I didn't expect to be outplayed, Not that badly.

Realization hit me, Flashbacks came to me when i outsmarted people and when i was Overjoyed at their pitiful State.

Someone is doing the same to me....

I was dancing at someone's palm, I was so pathetic that they would be laughing hard.

However, It was the same as i imagined. My Defeat brought me joy, I was thrilled, I went with sloppy measurements and Actually get punished for it.

I Heavily underestimated Them.

I stared at the only Potential Candidate for That. His fucking expression never changed, Even after gazing at him for any minor movements. He didn't budge, Even after requesting who it is. He didn't.

It was like he was mocking me, urging me to do better. His eyes were challenging me, I'm sure of it.

I Grinned Widely

" BOSS " Albert said in English, Staring at me grinning like a madman

" Boss Lost Albert, Can you believe it ? "

" BOSS LOST ? " He was surprised, I guess he held me very high.

Listen here.... You fucking Monster, I won't let you look down on me. Ayanokouji, I will Crush you

So Challenge Accepted

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