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Tommy walked along the prime path with Dream's axe in his right hand, stepping off the path towards the prison's entrance. The obsidian and blackstone walls inserting its dominance on the boy, Tommy stopping in front of the entrance taking a deep breath. Slowly walking on the red patterned floor to the blocked portal, Tommy see's a button to his right and presses it, and presses it a few more times until the voice of Sam presents itself to him.

"Tommy, are you ready? I'm going to open the portal."

"Can you just let me in?"

"I did." The portal's purple aroma surrounds it's obsidian frame, swirling in hypnotic spirals and releasing magenta particles that land on Tommy's hair. Brushing them off with a swift shake of his head, Tommy stares at it for a minute with slightly alarmed pupils; Sam's voice creeped Tommy out. Hesitantly entering the portal muttering how creepy Sam was under his breath, the portal consumed him, taking him to a whole other dimension.

Tommy was met with a room similar to the one he was in before but with more quartz accents in the design, he also encountered an unexpected skeleton that got hostile when it noticed Tommy's presence. It began shooting at Tommy, making him scream with surprise and dodged an arrow coming for his head. He quickly took down the skeleton with two critical axe hits to the bones, Sam had given Tommy an ear piece to hear him talk and give him instructions; so Sam asked Tommy again.

"Are you ready Tommy?"

"WAIT WAIT WA- THAT'S NOT HOW PORTALS WORK SAM!" Tommy yelled at Sam through his ear piece, confused about how he would get to same through a two way portal. Still loudly questioning Sam when he stepped through the portal again, "HOW- oh unless I'm in the nether already, how could I be so silly."

When Tommy made it through the particles, He was met with Sam standing behind a blackstone desk in a large room. The room had blackstone bricks lining the walls and quartz pillars holding up the ceiling, red stone lights on the floor, walls and roof, giving the room a yellow light. A lectern faced Tommy and a book rested on top of it, open and ready for Tommy to read it.

"Welcome to the prison."

Silence was met for a few seconds with Tommy staring at Sam, Sam was in full enchanted netherite gear and wore a very intimidating expression that sent chills up Tommy's spine. Tommy looked around the room while Sam opened a few books for the next protocol that would come with visiting the main prisoner.

"There are a few things we need to do before we can continue. You're gonna need to come up here and read the book on the lectern, you're going to read it out loud to me so I know you've read it."

Tommy walks up to the lectern and looks down at the open book, it was open to the first page which displayed in writing what he would have to agree too.



Tommy frowned, "so serious.. Why are you so serious?" He didn't like how Sam was acting all professional and serious, Tommy didn't ever really like being to serious.

Tommy then proceeds to read the book's contents, pausing a few times because he thought some words were funny, getting to the end of the book where he had to sign it. Taking the book and grabbing the pen on the desk, Tommy then signed the bottom of the page while telling Sam how he understood everything.

"You need to sign and close the book now." Sam told the boy to finish it off so they could move on, Tommy taking the pen again and signing the front cover with 'Big T' which Sam scoffed at. The warden muttered to himself about how everything was fine despite being already irritated by Tommy, turning around Sam flicked a lever making a room with the title 'Locker one' displayed above it.

"Go put all of you're things in locker one. Press the button in there to get the locker key and when you're done put the key in you're ender chest."

Tommy walked closer to the locker before turning around and asking if he could keep anything on him, Sam quickly said no and decided to ask Tommy more questions before having the boy put his stuff in the locker. Tommy starts rambling his head off with unrelated topics about Cisto, Sam trying to talk over the top of him.

"Be honest and tell me the truth Tommy because if I don't like you're answers, I'm going to have to ask you to leave. Okay?"

"Oh okay." For the first time Tommy sounded like he understood Sam and used a quieter voice, so Sam proceeded with his questions.

"How many times have you visited the prison?"

A metallic sound washed over the room from the beasts below them, filling the silence between Sam and Tommy. The sound making Tommy burst out his usual loud laugh before answering,

"Never. Never, now uh right now."


"Where is you're place of residence?"

Sam continues to question Tommy with a few more questions about the prisoner her was going to visit and about searches before letting Tommy put all his stuff in the locker and taking him into the checking chamber. After the check was confirmed, they proceeded to move through the prison past the lava drop into the spiral room connected to the main cells.

"Go on, go through." Sam flicked the lever revealing the main cells room, Tommy moved through the gate and saw the massive drop below him. Sam then leveled the floor so Tommy could stand on it, Sam joining Tommy not long after.

"Welcome to the main holding cells. We are going to have to lock ourselves in this room so that if anything happens this is as far as they can go."

Sam moves along the cells towards another gate, Tommy looks at the cells lining the right side of the hallway.

"Why do you need to many cells if the prison only has Dream in it?" Tommy though out loud, looking into the iron door of one of the cells to see inside. Sam watched Tommy move along the cells,

"Dream's not the only person in the prison."

"What?" Tommy was surprised, the prison was only made a bit ago and there was already another person in here, he wondered who could possibly be in one of the cells.

"That prisoner is none of you're concerned Tommy. Keep moving, hurry up now."

"Okay sorry." When Tommy went into the room, he stopped when he heard a small voice call his name. He turned around to look at the cells again, furrowing his eyebrows confused on where it came from.

"Hey Sam did you hear-"

"Let's continue Tommy, move into the room."

Tommy could have sworn he heard his name being called from one of the cells, but the longer he didn't obey Sam's words the angrier he would make the warden, so he went into the room. Sam followed him and locked the door, whispering under his breath,

"Of all the times to speak you choose now."

And they were gone. But the whisperer was done,

"Tommy.... Come back."

A/n: guess who 🤔

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