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Wilbur stood leaning against the door frame of the drug van considering my request for y/n to get visiting privileges. He stares out the window at Tommy and Tubbo messing around in the small pond outside, he turns his head to me and asks for the millionth time,

"Your sure Dream doesn't know about your conversation with you about this?" I lightly scoff,

"Yes! She really wants to get some independence and we can help her with that!" I could see Wilbur took an interest when I brought the topic up an hour ago but he was still reluctant to let her, after all she was living with Dream.

"What kind of danger do you think she's talking about?" He looks back out the window with a worried look on his face, he cared so much for all of us and I can imagine what he'd feel if something bad happened to any of us.

"It's Dream, I think you know what kind of danger she's talking about. The thing is, she warned me, she wants to help us!" Y/N could have stayed quiet and let something happen, but she didn't.

We stand in silence for a few more seconds before he speaks up, "Fine alright she can come, but make sure she doesn't let Dream know about this." My face lights up and I slightly jump in joy, she's going to be so happy with the news!

"Thank you Wilbur, she'll be so happy!" I wrap my arms around his long torso and run out of the van, determined to let Y/n know right away. I wiz past Tommy and Tubbo and can hear their questions trailing after me,

"I'LL TELL YOU LATER, I'LL BE BACK SOON!!" I yell back letting the boys know I'll be back to tell them later, the fuzzy feeling coating my stomach makes me push further to get to Y/n's house quicker. I'm honestly surprised that Wilbur is actually letting her visit now, but none the less it's great news!


It's so nice out today, the sun is greeting me with its warmth and the air is not to moist after the rain. You don't get many days like this out here, it's mostly rain and cloudy sky's with temperatures that send chills down your neck. It's quiet yes, but ever so lonely sometimes. Standing in the days glory, I stare at my garden that's flourishing in the noon sun.

I grasp the woven basket in my palm as I make my way to the back door, unlocking it and breathing in the familiar smell of home that fills my nose. I make my way to the kitchen to set down and put away the goods I got for the day, some fruits for my garden and various other food items from in town. I cant help but notice that recently I have developed a shadow when outside my house, like someone is watching my every move. It's starting to freak me out, every time I try and look at them, no ones there anymore.. it's weird.

My thoughts swim around in my head as I'm packing away the strawberries in the fridge when a soft but urgent knocking can be heard from the back door.

"Remember if you want to come to my house, knock on the back door instead of the front, okay? So if Dream comes around, he won't see you there." I give Niki instructions before parting into the tree line, Niki gives me a quick nod of reassurance before I disappear into the woods.

I hurry to the back door, making sure to check through the peep hole before letting the person in, surely it was who I expected it to be. I open the door and am faced with my new found friend Niki standing there with a smiley expression on her face. She looks so cute, wait what. Keep it together Y/n, I can't be thinking like that right now! I stand aside gesturing her to come inside, she happily obliged and skipped her way inside.

She scanned the living area with her gaze and smiled softly, "Y/n, your house is so cute!" She turned to me as I close the door gently. I can't help but reciprocate that smile back, "Thank you Niki!" I led her over to the couches where she gives me a look for permission to sit,

"Yeah, yeah, of course! Make yourself at home, would you like anything? Water? Honey bread? My love? (HA YOU THOUGHT)
"I'm not really hungry at the moment but a glass of water would be lovely." She politely asks in her slightly German accented sweet voice. "Coming right up!" I walk over to the cup cabinet and call over to Niki,

"So, why the so sudden visit? Did you miss me that much?" I can hear her chuckle from the other room as I fill up her cup with ice water. "Well you could say that, but I have great news!" She beamed as I walk back into the living room to see her practically jumping in her seat. I smile and take my seat next to her on the sofa, she thanks me for the water and takes a sip. Placing down the water, she faces me and places her hands on my knees.

"I spoke to Wilbur about you being allowed to visit," she spoke quickly and excitedly, "and he said you could visit!!" Her words register in my mind and when they do she brings me into a big hug jumping up and down in our seats.

I can visit L'manberg now! Joy spreads through my veins like blood and my smile reaches my ears, she actually convinced him to let me visit!

"THANK YOU SO MUCH NIKI! I can't thank you enough!" She looks proud and happy, we celebrate in a minute of giggles and hand holding. A small moment of celebration that wouldn't last long but would be gladly enjoyed by the both of them for the time being.

I just knew today would be a good day.

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