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More time has past since the election escalated or more like turned into a real election. Immense planning has been written in multiple books but were burned having been deemed useless. Within a week of the election being announced, a debate was held between the parties POG 2020 and SWAG 2020. Before the debate even begun a member of L'manberg turned his back on Wilbur, in support of the opposition, Fundy switched his alliance.

"What are you saying to me Fundy?" Wilbur asked with subtle disbelief underlying his voice.

"I support Quackity." The room erupted into cheers for SWAG 2020's party.

Wilbur's own son had switched his loyalty at the promise of 10 bakeries, the POG 2020 campaign taking a hit. The debate went ahead with arguments, about the current rules of L'manberg under Wilbur's rule and many other topics such as pet protection, corruption within politics (that area not shedding the best light on POG 2020), taxes and many other areas.

Y/n was asked to witness the debate along with the rest of the L'manberg citizens. The debate continued on after both party leaders talked with their running mates, Y/n awaited anxiously watching the opposition of Sapnap and over looker Karl Jacobs. From across the room she couldn't help but feel the eyes of Sapnap watching her every move, if remembering the tinyist moments.

They returned out and it was time for the running mates to speak with one another, Tommy and George.
Tommy started with good points and a strong speech, George had cut in a few times to try and make Tommy sound inferior. A small physical fight breaking out with pushing from both parties but was disbanded before it could get ugly.

Unfortunately for POG 2020, information had surfaced about a bribery of the judge by Tommy, a payment of 2500 dollars to sway the results of the debate.

"Tommy, this isn't true." Wilbur searched Tommy's eyes for clarification that George's accusations was false but was only matched with guilt.

"Uhhhhhhh yeah." Tommy turned back around as Wilbur scoffed putting his head in his hands at the turn of events. Y/n shook her head and cringed at the downward spiral of a debate in front of her.

The debate was soon called for recess, requested by Wilbur to have a word with his Vice President for a moment. After a lecture and some positive reinforcement, the debate continued, it didn't end very well. The first words said by the judge about how both sides were tested for corruption with Quackity succeeding and Tommy failing.

Then it was George's time to speak, throwing salt in the already open wound about the flaws of not only Tommy but the entire nation. Speaking about how POG 2020 was instigators for war.

"You're nation is full of children, immature kids and war lovers. The only reason Niki is there is because she doesn't like Sapnap, Tubbo follows Tommy like a duck and Y/n wasn't even supposed to be living there until you told her to."

"Excuse me?"

The court room was tense with George's speech on the pros of Quackity's party, most of it being slander of the opposition party. Dream had joined the debate to stand up for George after Tommy had accused him of plagiarism, after Sapnap had pulled Dream aside and whispered to him for a minute staring directly at the seat were Y/n is sitting. She could guess what they were discussing.

Dream added fuel to the fire which caused a bigger blaze to emerge with Wilbur biting back at him, eventually POG 2020 were out numbered with the judge and extra participants such as BadBoyHalo joining Quackity's argument. It was getting messier by the second, with tension high in the sky, the debate was finished.

Both parties wanting more, both wanting another debate. And they would get them, debate after debate, Y/n grew more and more anxious about her home being controlled by Quackity or more specifically the people he wanted to run it with. Wilbur was growing tired and restless, he needed to be President to protect his friends, he promised Y/n everything would be alright. He had to win.

But it wouldn't be that easy.

A/n: I watched over Wilbur's video of the debate and didn't want to make this chapter 3000 words long so I rewrote the entire chapter lol

Double update in one day whaaaaaaaaat

Hope you enjoy and let me know what your thinking! EAT FOOD AND DRINK WATER!!

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