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A/n: MORE FROG- motivation made a star appearance today 😃

Everything stopped, all of Y/n's previous anger just halted. She froze.

What was happening? She could feel the force of Dreams lips on hers but she didn't register what was happening in her head. It was like she couldn't move anymore, she was paralysed with mixed emotions of confusion, fear and surprise. He wasn't kissing her passionately but it was enough to stop her talking all together.

It felt like an eternity Dream was kissing Y/n in her mind, when he finally pulled away. He looked her deep in the eyes and smiled in satisfaction of his effort of shutting her up, she stared at him blank faced as he spoke.

"There we go, sorry it was so sudden but you wouldn't stop yelling." Dream shook his head a little before bringing her into a tight hug, which Y/n did not return.  Everything slowed for her, this wasn't what she wanted, why did he do that? One question stuck to her mind and didn't leave until she heard what he said next.

"N/n, whatever happened was a misunderstanding, I care so much for you and you know that. No matter what happens," she watched his mouth form his next words and she felt numb,

"I love you Y/n."


She walked home in silence, nothing going through her brain as her feet carried her absentmindedly. She had no idea where she was or where she was going because her vision was blurry, she couldn't see anything. It was still very early by the time she reached L'manberg and made her way to Wilbur's side of the house.

She opened to door which a newly awakened Wilbur was sitting, before collapsing to the floor bursting into tears, Wilbur sprung up and dived to the floor where Y/n was sobbing. He almost had a heart attack watching her in hysterics on his floor fully dressed when he thought she was still sleeping.

He had no idea where she had been or what was happening, taking her into his arms as he did his best comforting her. He stroked her hair and rubbed circles on her back to try and calm her down while he whispered reassuring sentences in her hair. He figured out distant words out of the sobbing but also realised what he thought was struggling was actually Y/n clawing at her mouth. Wilbur tried his best to stop this otherwise Y/n would hurt herself, he was killing himself with worry as he watched a Y/n he had never seen before.

Y/n in those moments kept repeating a phrase in her head,





Wilbur paced his living room with Niki and Fundy sitting on his couch while Eret stood up. Wilbur was freaking the fuck out about Y/n and what he witnessed an hour prior, he didn't know what had happened or where she had been and it was eating him from the inside out.

Fundy was trying to calm his father down while Niki and Eret looked at each other concerned for their friends. Wilbur hadn't said anything since they got here but was mumbling to himself the entire time, Niki finally had enough and pulled Wilbur's thoughts out of his head and onto the three people in front of him.

"Wilbur! Tell us what happened? What happened here?" Wilbur waited no time to explain,

"Y/n came in at 6:00am in the morning and collapsed onto the floor crying! She was clawing at her mouth leaving terrible red marks on it, she was hysterical! I don't know where she went or what happened, she wasn't saying anything!" He spoke quickly and slightly hysterical himself, but got the message across to the three.

Eret spoke first,

"You couldn't get anything out of her?" Wilbur quickly replied with a no and that's when Niki got up walking to the door into Y/n's section.

"I'm going to go see if she will say anything, give me a while. If she was scratching at her mouth, I might have a few ideas on what could have happened." Niki then opened the door and shut it before anyone else could say anything in protest. Niki then knocked on Y/n's bedroom door and slowly opened the door to reveal Y/n laying in her bed facing the window. Niki couldn't see her face because of the blankets covering her entire body, so she spoke quietly to not alarm her.

"Y/n?" She got no response for a few seconds before a head poked out of the blankets and looked straight at Niki with dull, wet eyes.

"Niki....?" Y/n said slowly watching her as she walked to the side of Y/n's bed, Niki kneeled down so she was head height with Y/n. She rolled over to face Niki, the expression Y/n wore was broken, she looked so destroyed and Niki almost started crying from seeing her that way.

"Honey, what happened?" Y/n watched Niki start to stroke the side of her face, it felt so much warmer than the blanket. This simple gesture from Niki helped Y/n have the strength to say something about what happened. She leaned in to speak, Niki turned her head to listen closely and remember everything she was going to say.


10 minutes go by and Niki emerges from the door to see Wilbur, Fundy and Eret waiting at the other end. She closes the door quietly and turns towards her friends, she looked pissed.

"It was Dream." Eret widened his eyes and Fundy looked concerned about what Niki was going to say next. Wilbur walked up to Niki with a pained face,

"What did he do to her?" He had a mix between anger and sadness lacing his voice, Niki took in a deep breath to calm herself down before she continued.

"He kissed her."

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