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"Dream, aren't you getting a bit worried Y/n will see them again if you keep taking her out?"
George whispers a bit to loudly to Dream sitting a few inches away from him on the couch. Dream signals to George to quiet down with a quick lower of his hand in the air, his eyes dart around the room to see if anyone is watching or listening to them, Y/n manages to hide behind the wall separating the staircase and the living room right before Dream looks at the space Y/n would have been filling.

Y/n thought about what George had asked, she wondered who the people George was referring to as 'them' were. She had a small suspicion that she knew exactly who they were talking about and was itching to hear what Dream had to say about it.

"I go with her everywhere, even if she does see them, I would immediately pull her away and go somewhere else!" Dream whisper shouted at George clearly annoyed that the conversation was taking place in the house the subject of there talk was about lived in. His eyes showed anger and slight paranoia, George was taken aback about his little outburst and tried to calm Dream down, hushing him.

Is Dream worried about me? Y/n thought, from the sound of it he was more worried about me seeing them then them seeing me. The talking continued but most of it was inaudible to Y/n's position at the time so she pressed her ear as close to the end of the wall without being visible and listened hard, tuning out all other surrounding sounds.

"mumbling mumbling if they see her? Mumbling mumbling." She picked up George's voice somewhere in the middle of his sentence but he quieted down at the end. Dream started to speak but his voice became more audible as his hostility rose, "mumble mumble..."

"If they do, I'll kill them."

Y/n's breath hitched and halted in her throat like a blockade was preventing any oxygen in or out. Beads so sweat pool on her forehead, everything seemed to freeze. Who ever he was talking about, are in serious danger...


I couldn't stop thinking about what Dream had said that morning on the couch to George. Even without the context before his chilling and hostile words sounded bad, dangerous. Did his mask finally slip, his real mask? Not the intimidating porcelain smile that I had gotten used to, but the slip of his kindness and caring nature crumbling like sand in his palms.

Everything I learned so far about Dream has altered. Ever so slightly. I turn my head to the small clock ticking away on my side table, time was going slowly, a little to slow for my liking. The hands read 10:30pm, but it felt like eternity sinking into the foam mattress of my bed, gripping the sheets in frustration. I knew Dream was protective but this, this is excessive.  Killing people for even trying to talk to me, is he trying to isolate me from everyone but himself and the very few people he allowed to speak to me.

My heart aches, the feeling of someone so close to me trying to stow me away against my knowledge was terrible. It was starting to remind me about my last home, before here. Gripping my chest I sat up from my mould and stood, I can't be here right now, I need to get fresh air and be free, if only for a few hours.

Rummaging through my wardrobe for a coat and outside attire, once I found something to throw on I grabbed some shoes on my floor and put them on. I also managed to find a small knife stashed in my drawer and slip it into a knife harness I strapped to my leg. My balcony wasn't to far away from a tree close ish to the forest floor, problem was that it was foggy that night and navigating through those woods would be difficult, I'll figure it out.

Slowly walking over to my balcony door, making sure not to step on any floor boards that creak  from memory, getting to the door in somewhat of a silent trip.  Opening the door with caution and stealth, I slip through the crack in the door and close the door behind me. Examining the tree closest to the edge of the balcony I spot a low but thick branch about a metre away from where I was planning to jump, ok I got this, maybe. I started mustering up the courage to jump, ok ok ok ok ok.





I spring out towards the branch, managing to catch and grab hold of the branch with my body, landing with a thud. Ah fuck that hurt.
The momentary winding passed in my chest and I looked down to see how far I was from the ground, I couldn't exactly tell how far I was but it looked to be three metres or so. Shouldn't be to bad. I slowly let go of the branch and prepared to have bent knees on impact to avoid unnecessary injury, finally falling and hitting the grown with a wet sludge of moist leaves under my feet.

Quickly recovering from the fall, I sneak around the side of the house avoiding all windows and make a run for it to the path. Running further up the path to the main road  not stopping in fear of Dream somehow being right behind me ready to catch the runaway. Was I really a runaway? Nah, I just want some freedom, that's right! I stop to catch my breath as I heave in and out at the end of the path, this is it. Making my way down the side of the road closest to the lining of the forest to mostly stay out of sight from anyone who would pass by, I see a shadow of someone's silhouette up ahead.

I stop in my tracks and hid behind a tree to try and conceal my presence from the stranger close by, I don't hear any noise so maybe they didn't see me? Phew god I though they spotted me.

"Hello there?" A high and sweet voice greets from behind me.

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