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Wilbur sat in the enterance to the pogtopia ravine arguing with Tommy, Tommy had become more defiant towards Wilbur in recent days because of Wilbur's leadership of him. Y/n was in the potato farm with Techno talking about his OP armour, they were both used to hearing the squabbling of the brothers due to them butting heads frequently. But this one sounded quite heated.

Y/n had decided to see what they were arguing about and walked over to where they were thinking maybe she could try to defuse the tension. She started to hear what they were saying and when she finally made it to them, she heard Wilbur being a bit harsh towards the boy.

"There is a reason you are not President and never will be." Wilbur spoke sternly with no remorse causing Tommy to stop talking, he stared at his brother blankly. Y/n knew they would get mean but she thought this wasn't very kind of Wilbur and decided to speak up.

"That was a bit harsh Wilbur." Wil hearing her voice quickly turned around with a shocked expression, Wilbur didn't want Y/n to see him like that. Y/n walked past Wilbur and began comforting Tommy, she looked at his face and the red accents on his face showed her he was about to cry.

"Hey Tommy, I think this calls for us to do something fun hm?" Tommy looked down at Y/n with his mouth in a thin line, although he would usually say yes, Tommy wanted to be alone right now. He politely declined simply shaking his head no, a frown was forming on his mouth and his eyes watering. Y/n gave him a side hug and sent him on his way down the long tunnel, before turning around with a disappointed frown directed at Wilbur. She didn't like being mad at Wil but it was times like these where he needed to learn his wrong doings hurt his supporters.

"Wilbur that's not how you treat people."

"Y/n.." Wilbur tried to think of an excuse but before he could say anything else, Y/n once again walked past him without saying anything else. Wilbur felt for lack of a better word, shit. He felt like shit. Without her praise, without her being proud of him, he felt like a shell of a man. Like a disappointment, and he was angry.

After she was out of sight he kicked the closest thing to him and gripped his hair in rage, Tubbo watched him do this and observed his reaction. Tubbo began to become aware of how much Wilbur needed Y/n's approval and what would happen if he didn't get it. But this was only something small, Tubbo worried what would happen if something bigger were to happen and what Wilbur would do in delusional rage.


Y/N's POV:

A day had pasted since Wilbur had that argument with Tommy, and Tommy had been acting different. It was clear that tension in their bond had formed, Y/n didn't like how things were going. Tommy looked more worried about the future than every before and Wilbur was getting little to no sleep which she though was causing his rapid mood swings. Tommy had arrived at pogtopia a few minutes ago with Wilbur, they were talking quite loudly on the stairs. Wilbur led this conversation with a authoritarian tone, it ended with Tommy walking into his room and slamming the door.

"Wilbur, what on earth is going on?" I ask quite curious on why it's louder than usual, Wilbur turns to me with a weird look on his face. His pupils were very small and a crooked smile played on his lips, the moment we made eye contact his pupils dilated making his expression even stranger.


"Y/n! Love, I haven't seen you all day! How are you?" Wilbur's smile turned to one of content and joy, far from the malicious one he wore before. This sudden change in behaviour confused me. These mood swings were getting ridiculous.

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