Chapter 5

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The stars shined brightly from where she stood amongst the trees. A light breeze graced the night, gently teasing the rogue tendrils which surrounded her face. The moon was bright,giving her a glow which was not eerie in the slightest. Sapphire stood staring at the still lake ,or pond in front of her. The darkness did nothing to hide the beauty of it. The lake was surrounded by bushes, making a slight border, but there was an opening, as if a pathway, which led towards the lake. The lake was hidden by the trees that surrounded the area. Sapphire was positive no one could see her. Giving the area a quick scan, Sapphire slowly but efficiently undid her hair, letting it fall loosely down her back. Sapphire was taking in the beauty of the night when she heard a twig snap; a figure emerge from the trees.

Muttering oaths under his breathe, Tristan left to the garden to get some fresh air. He was sick and tired of these events and the worthless so called noble women who attended them. He was certain they had warmed more beds then the town whore! He shook his head in disgust. The brooding look never leaving his face.

Tristan quietly walked through the trees, taking in the calmness of the night. As he grew closer to the lake, he froze. Tristan held his breath as he stared at the beauty which stood ahead. He was spellbound. Of course he'd never admit that, but he was. With his ever brooding look still present, Tristan stared at the maiden whom had caught his eye earlier. He stayed hidden from view, which wasn't a difficult feat taking in how dense the trees were, and watched. Tristan noticed how she didn't appear to be with a companion, nor did it seem she was awaiting a lover, this revolution both pleased and surprised him. He watched as she took everything in with a slight smile on her face. From where he stood, he had a perfect view of her, not that she could see. He could see her clearly, every single detail, yet she couldn't see him. The moon illuminated her features a great deal, enhancing her beauty. She was beautiful. If anyone were to stare at her , they wouldn't be able to tell which one of her features struck out more, her beauty could not be pointed out. To put it simply , she was beyond words. Tristan let a mocking sneer cover his lips. She withheld outer beauty, he wondered how much inner beauty did she contain. He met very few who contained both. Majority let their inner ugliness overshadow their outer beauty, making them look hideous in his eyes.

Tristan stared as her eyes, although they sparkled with joy, contained deep grief and sorrow. He was enchanted, no transfixed as he watched how her milky, pale skin glowed in the moon light. Her hair, an onyx shade, went well with the inky darkness of the night. Her eyes a bright,yet deep sapphire color. He watched as the loose tendrils surrounded her face, before she opened her hair, letting it fall down her back. Her hair stopped mid back. It was in a fascinating shape, one he'd never witnessed before. It was cut at different ends, yet it did not damper the beauty. As if her hair were like stairs, the latter strand longer then the former. The shortest of them covered her chin, while the longest stopped at mid back. Her cheekbones were high, yet her face looked lovely, although a bit on the thinner side. Her lips were plump, not at all small or thin, like most the ladies. They were red in color. Tristan let his gaze wonder as he noticed her enticing physique. She wasn't overly thin, but she was most definitely curvy. She had been blessed heavily in the physique department. Her dark hair contrasted beautifully with her pale skin. Most would call it dark beauty. Her thick eyelashes framed her eyes in the most outstanding of ways. Their thickness could be seen from where he stood. So thick in fact, it looked as if a black line covered her waterline. Tristan stared silently. He knew naught why, but he watched.

Tristan heard the quiet sound of footsteps , he looked towards the maiden, she seemed oblivious. Judging by how the person appeared to try and be silent, he was questioning if she had a lover after all. And again, Tristan was surprised at how angered he was by his own thoughts. He watched as she stared ahead with a some what content look on her face, that is, until she heard the snapping of a twig. Tristan followed the sound and watched as a figure approached, a man by the likes of it.

He kept a close eye on the lady as she awaited the person.

"Why Sapphire , what are you doing here?"

"Nothing that contains you Stark." Sapphire spat.

Tristan saw the rage in her eyes mixed with hatred. An ex lover perhaps he mused.

"Don't be like that. What? Are you waiting for your lovers?" Stark sneered.

Sapphire chuckled a cruel, cold laugh.

"The day I have a lover, will be the day you stop whoring around."

" How interesting, then why are you out here, alone?" Stark mocked.

"To get away from the likes of you!" Sapphire sneered with malice.

"Lady Sapphire Dracmore, I could give you so, so very much. It could be our little secret, darling." Stark tried seductively. Lord new how long he had tried to get her to bed him, but to no avail.

"Not a chance!!" Sapphire hissed. " I told you this once before, I'll tell you again. I will not sleep with you, nor will I wed you. Your outer beauty does nothing for me. Now, go play around with your whores." Sapphire said while moving her hands in a shooing manner.

"Why you little wench!" Stock growled.

He took a step towards Sapphire ready to back handle her, when she stopped his hand mid air.

"Keep your hands to your self!" Sapphire said as she blocked his blow, her eyes alight with anger.

Stark smirked. He took out a knife and raised it to Sapphires jugular.

"I think it's in your best interest to do as I say."

Sapphire gave her own cruel smirk, she leaned in closer, very aware of how the knife rested on her jugular, and whispered, "never!"

Sapphire quickly took his sword from its sheath, at times like this she was glad men carried around weapons. Kneeing him in the groin, she stepped away, sword in hand.

"Damned hussy!" Stark growled while doubled over in pain, his knife lay on the dirt floor.

Sapphire took the sword and aimed it towards Stark. The sword left a nasty gash on his upper arm, causing him to hiss in pain. Not caring about being cruel, Sapphire attacked once again, but Sark rolled out of reach and stood up while clutching his arm.

"Say such things to me again and I won't spare you!" Sapphire growled.

Tristan quietly watched the exchange. From her stance, he could tell she knew the art of swordsmanship. The lady intrigued him more and more.

"I'm not afraid of you!"

"You should be." Sapphire smirked.

Keeping her gaze locked on Stark, Sapphire slowly maneuvered her way out of the forest and back towards her carriage. She looked down and groaned. Her dress was dirty, aunt Katherine would surely giver her a hearing!

Tristan slowly emerged from his hiding spot. Stark's back was towards him. Tristan tapped his shoulder. Stark turned around and Tristan gave him a hard punch, not hard enough to knock him out, but hard enough to draw blood.

Stark stared up at him with wide, terrified eyes.

"Lord.... Tristan....I.....I don't understand."

Tristan bent down so he was an inch away from Stark and said in a low and deadly voice, " if I ever see you or hear of you disrespecting or laying a hand on a woman again, mark my words Stark, I will break of that very limb."

Stark trembled in fear at his words but remained quiet. He valued his life way to much to go up against the infamous lord Knight. Lord only knew if the stories concerning him were to true or not.

"Have I made myself clear?" Tristan asked while giving Stark a shake.

"Y.....yes." He stuttered out.

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