Chapter 44

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Sapphire peeked from behind the tapestries, being mindful to make as less noise as possible. She couldn't let Tristan find her.

Her heart beat frantically, her breathing slightly higher than normal. She found she was enjoying the chase far more than she should be. Sapphire frowned slightly, their game of cat and mouse might be entertaining, but she was certain the exertion couldn't be good for him, especial so quick after his injury. He may say he was hale and healthy, but she wouldn't dare take any chances regarding him. He would need to rest.
With that thought firmly set in her mind, Sapphire left the safety of the tapestries and headed towards her chambers. She could hear quiet voices and the closing of doors as the castle began to settle in for the night.

Tristan stood behind an armed knight, watching as his delectable wife looked first right and then left before heading towards their chambers. Tristan smirked as he slowly trailed behind her, Sapphire completely unaware.
Tristan shadowed her every step, extremely thankful no one was about, add to that fact not once did his little minx turn around. He could hardly believe his good fortune.
Just as Sapphire's fingers brushed the door, Tristan grabbed her from behind, lifting her off her feet.

"Found you." Tristan whispered in Sapphire's ear, his hot breath blowing on the back of her neck.

Sapphire let out a startled gasp.

Tristan closed the chamber doors, laughing as he made sure his grip on Sapphire stayed firm, yet gentle.

"My lord husband, kindly place me back upon my feet!"

"I rather like you as you are, my lady wife." Tristan mumbled before throwing her on the bed, being quick to follow in her wake.

"My lord, you may not have noticed, but your body weight is not easy to hold." Sapphire said as she squirmed under him to make her point.

"It has never troubled you before." Tristan replied lazily before making his intentions quite clear. His hands already weaving their tale.

Color stained Sapphire's cheeks as she tried to remember what she told herself earlier. She would be distracted by her husband! She hit the hand which began to creep along her side.

"Tristan, you must rest. You mustn't do anything which shall tire you."

Tristan's male ego stirred at her words, not liking what it implied.

"I do not tire easily." Tristan said tartly.

Sapphire barely suppressed the urge to roll her eyes.


"You just awoke mere hours ago, my lord. You need to rest. If by noon tomorrow you feel at ease, and I am satisfied with your state of health, I will not stop you from anything." Sapphire reasoned as her hands played with the hair on his nape. An act she did out of instinct, not really aware of it.
His silver orbs, for once completely calm, the lightest shade of silver she had seen by far, stared into her own eyes.

"Can I take your word for it?" Tristan questioned with a whisper. The question would have been innocent, if it had not been for the glow of the fire emitting an uncanny warmth, or their bodies pressed dangerously together.
Tristan tucked a stray lock behind Sapphire's ear. His thumb rubbing small circles along her jaw.

"You speak as if I have always lied to you." Her voice was equally as soft as his.

"I do not believe you have ever lied to me." Tristan spoke softly.

"Therefore you may take my word."
Sapphire guaranteed.

"Alright. But remember your promise, love."

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