chapter thirteen; drunk and afraid

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maybe we got lost in translation,
       maybe i asked for too much.

    (marinettes pov)
        (doctors office)

              —12:00 pm—

The doctors finally cleared for me to get this stupid bandage off my foot.

I don't need those crutches anymore! A big smile was plastered on my face as I joyfully walk out of the doctors office. They told me to be careful with my ankle, and to avoid heels for a while.

I text Felix, letting him know i'll be headed to the office soon.


"hey felix, headed to the office now!!!"

Felix (rude boss lolol)





I roll my eyes, he's such a loser. Who texts so formally? I mean come on!

I unlock my car, starting it and hitting the gas.


I arrived at the office, scanning my ID at the door. I walk in, feeling so powerful (now that I have the ability to use both my legs again).

"Good afternoon, Ms. Dupain-Cheng." I hear my favorite secretary call out, "Good afternoon, Ms. Kubdel!" I say, giving her a warm smile.

When I make it to my office, I see someone headed over towards me. The same coworker that was staring at me last Thursday, I pretend not to notice, not really wanting to interact with anyone right now.

"Hello, Ms. Dupain-Cheng." I hear an annoying voice say to me. "Hello," I say, not knowing this woman's name.

"Lila Rossi." she says, almost in a mocking tone, I mentally roll my eyes. To be honest, I do not care.

"Hello, Ms. Rossi." I say, giving her a fake grin.

"Is it true you're dating Mr. Agreste?" she says, looking at me with a glare. "Yes." I say, trying to get her to go away and leave me alone.

"Oh really?" she says, with an intrigued look in her face, but I can see it in her eyes, she was jealous.

Her green eyes looking down on me, like I was meant to feel intimidated. "How did you two meet?" she asks, trying to aggravate me I guess.

"Look, Ms. Rossi, I'm sorry but I am SWAMPED with work. I have to get these reports to Felix by 13:15, as you can see it's 12:46." I say, trying to shoo her politely.

"Okay, sorry for the disturbance." she says, walking away. She stops, turns around and looks at me again, and she smiles. Not a sweet innocent smile, the smile like "I hate you." smile.

I sigh, and continue signing off and marking papers.

(third person pov)

Felix has dark circles under his eyes, from the lack of sleep he's been having for the past few days.

"Felix, I have a question!" Marinette says, peeking in his office. "Yes?" he says, looking up from the report he was editing for his father.

"Are you busy tonight?" she says, with a warm smile. Felix swears it's the lack of sleep, but she looks, happy?

"No, I have nothing planned." he says, putting down his pen.

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