Chapter 34 ; Captured

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You wake up with a groan, feeling light taps on your face. Your head is throbbing, almost as bad as it did when you fell off the balcony.

"Y/n! Wake up," you hear Clementine whisper shakily, her voice sounds far away, like it's been shoved through cotton. You force yourself to open your eyes at the sound of her voice and immediately make eye contact with Clementine straddling you.

She sighs in relief and you feel something wet on your face, you wipe it away. Your eyes widen when you realize she was crying, you immediately sit up to hug her, almost bumping your head into hers. Your head spins from the sudden rush of you moving too fast and Clementine whispers soothingly as you both calm down.

You glance around and immediately notice Louis is facing you both now.

"Louis?" you say weakly, and he picks his head up.

The first thing you notice is the blood around his mouth, then his eyes that're puffy and glossy like he'd been crying. Your heart drops at the sight.

He crawls toward you both with tears in his eyes and pulls you both into a hug, and though it's a little awkward positioning, you hug back, glad you're still able to do that. His body shakes with each sob he exhales.

He pulls back and gives you both a bloody smile, and your heart stops.

It's worse than you thought.

"What'd they do to you?" Clementine asks worriedly, watching as his head hangs back down.

He opens his mouth to speak but it comes out a slurred mumbly mess of things you can't comprehend.

"No! No, no. Don't," Aasim cuts him off. "They, uh... they cut out his tongue."

Both of your eyes widen and you freeze.

"He just uh... he kept fucking talking," Aasim says sadly.

You both look at Louis as he has his eyes closed sadly, and you feel your blood run cold.

"Oh my god," You shakily breathe out.

"I'm sorry, Louis," Clementine says, a waver in her voice.

He sniffles, knowing he can't respond breaks your heart even further. "I'll make these dickheads pay for this. I promise you, Louis," you say, feeling your sadness quickly be replaced by bubbling anger.

He shakes his head and grunts out some semblance of a no. Before you can get too confused a thud from outside the cell sounds, and Louis jerks back from you both, scrambling back to the corner in fear.

"Shhh... it's okay, it's okay." Clementine soothingly says.

You stand up, your headache from earlier now fading rapidly. "You'll be home soon, I promise, Lou."

You both head to the gates.

"Guys, are you alright?"

"We're fine, where's AJ?" You quickly ask.

"Over here!" he says from the cell next to them and you both let out sighs of relief.

"Thank god," Clementine whispers to herself.

You pick your gaze up to Violet as she speaks, "Shit. At least we're not moving yet. We've still got time to figure this out."

You start looking around for anything that may help you out while Clementine talks to the rest of the kids. You glance at the latch that kept the cell doors locked shut, then look at yours curiously. You kneel down and see there's a few bolts holding a sheet of metal, probably to prevent anyone from doing the thing you're trying to do.

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