Chapter 33 ; Plans Gone Wrong

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"Okay. Follow my lead."

Without wasting any time, you rush ahead, falling into pace with the stumbling zombies.

"Here we go," you whisper as to not draw attention to yourself while speaking to them. Soon you find yourself hiding behind a zombie, only for it to fall out of your grasp when it gets shot by someone on the boat.

Clementine, AJ, and Violet stare in shock at you and you simply grin, "Use them as shields, let's go."

They nod and quickly start doing what you did, and it doesn't take long for you to reach the docks. Another zombie in your arms gets shot and falls to the ground when you're close, just as that happens, the hay sets on fire as planned.

"Damn it, the horses!" Someone yells.

"Deal with that fire!" Someone else yells and you all rush for cover.

"Come on Willy," Clementine mutters to herself, peeking over the boxes you all hide behind. She quickly ducks her head back down, you don't get time to ask why as you hear some footsteps on the other side and some shooting literally above you.

"Supplies going overboard!" The man feet away from you all yells, all he had to do was step a little further and he'd see you all. You see Willy duck behind the supplies as they shine a spotlight on them.

"God damn it! Someone get over there and see what's going on," Someone from the boat yells.

The man hops over the boxes and his feet thud against the ground next to yours, making you all freeze. Thankfully he doesn't turn around and starts running to who knows where.

"Okay. Now's our chance," Clementine says.

You all sneak forward and Clementine hops into the water.

"We can't risk leaving cover, we'll have to crawl along the side of the dock," you explain as you hop into the water. You see AJ and Violet nod behind you and you grab onto the edge of the dock as you shuffle to the side.

"The guts are washing off," Violet mutters, the water sloshing around her as she moves.

Clementine peeks her head up and pulls it back down just as quick. A woman walks forward to the edge of the docks and she starts shooting, not noticing any of you hiding in the waters below.

"Follow me, this way," you whisper and dive into the water.

It's murky and a strange green, obviously dirty and unsafe to drink. You immediately notice the zombies walking along the floor, yeah, definitely unsafe to drink. One looks at you and you shiver as you swim along, thinking about how strange that the water has no effect on them.

You pull back up and gasp for air as you've finally reached the opposite side of the dock. You grab onto a ladder and the others climb up first, and just as Clementine heads up, you feel a hand tugging you back down into the water.

You can barely call out for help as your first instinct is to save air before you get tugged too deep. You glance down with adrenaline rushing through you and see a trapped zombie clinging onto your boot and more incoming. It's hard to use much force under the water but you manage to kick it in the head, making it let go of you and tumble away.

You shoot back out of the water with another gasp and the first thing you see is Clementine's hand outstretched. You grab it and she pulls you up the ladder with a surprising amount of force. You land onto the wood, coughing out the water you accidentally took during your struggle.

"Fuck, Y/n. You okay?" she asks worriedly, cradling your face in her warm hands.

You nod breathlessly and cringe at the taste of the water you just coughed out. Before she can even react you crash into her and push her behind cover just as the spotlight passes over where you both once were.

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