Chapter 15 ; Atone

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A knock at the door makes you jerk up slightly away from AJ and Clementine, and the door opens and Tenn enters nervously, making you relax. He shuts the door behind himself, “Hey. Violet said to come get you guys for the funeral.”

“Really?” Clementine asks.

“That’s nice of her,” You mumble, picking at some loose string on your hoodie.

“We used to have them more. Then we stopped. It seems right, though.” He pauses and reaches for something in his pocket. “I brought you something.” Tenn holds out one of the plastic toys he and AJ played with yesterday. It’s a fireman.

“For me?” AJ asks with widened eyes.

“I figured you’d be afraid, with everyone all upset. But you were brave last night. Like a firefighter.”

“No,” He pushes the toy away, making Tenn drop his arm. “Firefighters are good. I’m a murderer.”

“No, you’re not. You gotta have a trial, first.” He glances at you and Clementine. “They decide that stuff in a courtroom. That’s how it works. Er, worked. Before. Back then, there were all kinds of rules. About who was innocent. Who was guilty. It was really complicated.” He explains meekly.

"That's not right, you made that up," AJ says with a shake of his head.

"No way. It's true!"

You and Clementine smile at their childlike banter.

“Who decided you’re a murderer?” Tenn finally asks AJ.

“Clem and Y/n. But they’re right. So’s everyone else.” AJ says glumly.

“I think you’re okay,” Tenn says, making AJ look up with a grin.

“You sure you don’t want your firefighter?” Tenn tries again, lifting it a little.

“You should keep him, cause you’re good, like him. But maybe we could play with him later?” He pauses for a moment, “Together?”

You and Clementine glance at each other for a moment and you see the fond smile on her face.

“Sure. After the funeral. They buried them already. Vi’ll start it soon.” Tenn says. “See you out there.” And with that he walks out, shutting the door behind him.

Clementine sighs. “This is going to be hard. Everyone’s going to be upset.”

“We need to show them we care, okay?” Clementine says to you and AJ.

“Okay.” You both say at the same time.

Clementine stands up and downs the rest of her coffee.

You give Milo a few pats on the head and he basically ignores you since he’s sleeping, something he didn’t get last night at all. You all make a few comments about the drawings and the flowers around the room and the mood drops again, and Clementine decides it’s time to go to the door.

“Ready?” She asks, glancing back at you both. AJ gives a nod and that’s enough for you both to step out the door, and you close it behind you.


Despite the sunny weather, you can feel the mood shift into a sadder one as soon as you step foot outside, it not being as loud as usual with everyone's talking. You glance at Clementine worriedly when AJ steps ahead, and she looks at you with the same expression.

You both walk over to where he stood, and it was over the puddle of blood. Marlon’s blood. His face twists up as you and Clementine walk up and you feel yours do the same as you think about what you did to Brody.

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