Chapter Twenty-Seven

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I woke up feeling wet and sticky, not the good kind. The room smelt like iron and I immediately started crying.

Why now?

When I glanced to the side, I saw Ansel still asleep. I got out of bed carefully and looked at the sheets. I noticed blood stains from where I was laying. I began crying harder, attempting to mask my cries.

Fuck you, emotions.

I was too preoccupied with my own thoughts to notice that I had woken up Ansel. He looked up at me, his brows furrowed. His faced was was laced with worry.

"Baby, what's wrong? Why are you crying? Talk to me, love." He says, getting ready to slide over to reach me.

"Don't move, please. I'm sorry, I wish I knew." I told him as I wiped away my tears. He looked down at my side of the bed before returning his gaze to me.

"Is that why you're crying, love? It's normal, it was an accident, it's fine, you're fine." He tells me. Ansel gets off of the bed and walks towards me. When he reaches me, he gives me a hug and rubs my back.

"I ruined your shirt, as well as your sheets and blankets. I'm sorry." I murmured, not knowing why I was so sad. He wrapped his arms around me even tighter.

"It's fine, love. Why don't you go take a shower and I'll handle the rest, okay? I'm going to get you some pads, tampons, and some snacks from the store." He says, continuously kissing my forehead.

I give him a nod and walk towards his bathroom, ready to shower. I start to undress after turning on the water and waiting for it to warm up. Once the temperature is just right for me, I step in, sighing at the way the water feels against my skin.

I try not to think about what just happened. I was embarrassed; I knew it was normal, but why did it have to happen at Ansel's' house, much less in his bed? Looking down at the drain, I watch as the dried blood on my thighs washes away.


I slightly laughed as I started down at the bed in front of me. Did she think I was going to be mad at her? I pull the pillows out of the room and grab the blankets, rolling it into a tight ball. I do the same thing with the sheets, combining both the blankets and sheets together.

Because they were both white, I decided to get rid of them. Walking into my closet, I pulled out fresh new bed sheets and covers. When I got back into my room, I placed the sheets on first, followed by the blankets. I gathered the pillows I'd had put out and placed them on the bed.

See, nothing even happened.

Walking over to my nightstand, I opened the top drawer. There were several febreze plug-ins in this drawer. I took one and plugged it in.

Walking into my closet, I put on some new sweatpants and a shirt. Once I was dressed, I grabbed my wallet and headed towards the door. Before I left to the nearest store, I double-checked that the door was locked.

I jumped into my car and drove to the closest store that would contain everything I needed. When I made it to the store, I got out my car and headed inside. Slightly freaking out, I took out my phone and FaceTimed my mother.

I had no idea what pads or tampons to buy, or what snacks to get Emory to help her with her period. When my mom answered, I let out a sigh of relief.

"Mom, I need your help." I said, freaking out a little. I wanted to go back home to Emory so I could be there for her.

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