Chapter Seven

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I make it to work, safely. I get out of my car and walk into the hospital, not wanting to waste any time. My work is fairly straightforward. I dispense medication, maintain records, monitor patients, give out healthcare education to individuals and their families, and seek more professional help if it's something beyond my expertise.

My favorite aspect of my profession is undoubtedly the amount of money I earn. Although, I am not wealthy, I always have money left over after paying my bills.

I groan since I know I'll be working a long shift today. Working a 12 hour shift three days a week is a pain. Today is one of those days, so I prepare myself for a long day. I mentally scold myself for not packing my lunch, which meant I'd have to eat something here.

I think we all can agree that hospital food sucks.

Not wasting anymore time I place my phone and wallet in my locker before beginning my shift.

Ansel's POV

It's currently Tuesday and I'm sitting in one of my offices in France, going over papers. These dipshits don't know how to do anything right. Because of these idiots, I had to fly over here and fix these problems they continue to make, before I start to lose a lot of money. I ring my assistant and instruct him to call an emergency meeting.

(I'm using Google Translate, so I apologize if anything is incorrect.)

As I enter the room where the meeting is being held, I notice that everyone is visibly tense. Good. I sit silently in my chair, hoping to keep them on the edge.

What? They deserve it, given the number of mistakes they've made.

"Quelqu'un peut-il me dire pourquoi j'ai convoqué cette réunion?" I say, finally breaking the stillness.

(Can someone tell me why I called this meeting?)

No one dares to speak up. Playing hard to get? Interesting...

"Oh, donc personne n'a rien à dire maintenant? J'ai convoqué cette réunion parce que je perds de l'argent et j'aimerais comprendre pourquoi." I add, running my fingers through my hair.

(Oh, so no one has anything to say now? I called this meeting because I'm losing money and I'd like to figure out why.)

"Monsieur, nous manquons de personnel," a man speaking up says. "Après avoir vu à quel point les restaurants sont occupés, plusieurs employés ont démissionné. Ils abandonnent à cause du stress et du manque de main. Nous avons dû fermer vos restaurants tôt parce que personne ne voulait travailler."

(Sir, we are understaffed. After seeing how busy your restaurants are, several employees have quit. They quit due to the stress and being short handed. We had to close your restaurants early, due to no one wanting to work.)

Idiots. Why must I hire idiots. I came all this way for this? Must I have to do everything for them?

"Commencez à augmenter les salaires, je me fiche de la putain de hauteur, faites-le." I add, rolling my eyes. "Assurez-vous que chaque quart de travail compte suffisamment d'employés. Une fois cela fait, assurez-vous que mes restaurants reprennent leurs heures d'ouverture habituelles. Comprendre?"

(Start raising wages, I don't care how fucking high, just get it done. Ensure that each shift has enough employees. Once that's done, make sure my resturants resume to their regular operating hours. Understand?)

I rise and dismiss the meeting after receiving many nods from my employees. Knowing these fuckers can't do shit right, I decide to stay for the rest of the week to keep an eye on them before returning back home.

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