Chapter Fifteen

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Emory's POV

Ava and Chloe were ecstatic for me when I told them about the date with Ansel on Friday. Despite the fact that Ava was working, Chloe offered to help me in getting ready.

Friday had arrived, which meant it was time to get ready for my date. Before getting ready, I went into my closet and packed a bag. I packed many pairs of underwear along with bras. I put in a new pack of deodorant. Having no idea what to anticipate or what we would do while staying at his, I packed a mix of casual clothes and dressy clothes.

Then I called Chloe into my room and instructed her to raid my closet to find an outfit for me, while I was in the shower. I hop into the shower and wash my hair, shave, exfoliate, and wash my body. When I'm finished, I grab a towel from my bathrooms' towel rack and completely dry myself before applying lotion to my entire body. To avoid ruining my clothes, I first applied deodorant. Before returning to my room, I put on lace underwear and a matching bra.

When I enter my room, I notice garments flying out of my closet like a ghost attempting to frighten me. When I walk into my closet, Chloe is disheveled. Before I say anything, I continue to observe her for a few minutes.

"I FOUND IT!" She eventually yells. I take a step back, surprised. I never really knew how much effort the girls would go through, just to make sure that I look good for a date.

"What exactly did you find, Chloe?" I say, scaring her since she was completely unaware of my presence.

"I found your outfit for tonight," she said, pulling out the clothes in her hand. "No, it isn't too showy, I think."

I laugh at her response. She finally takes the clothes out from behind her back and shows it to me. It was a brown dress that came mid-thigh. It was a short v-neck dress that would definitely highlight my small breasts. The middle was tied together that created a cute bow. I was surprised that I even owned this.

I smiled. This dress was perfect for tonight. It wasn't overly flash or opulent. It was perfect for me, which was precisely what I wanted.

"Wow, Chloe, I really like it. Thank you a lot." I tell her. Even if she did once again wreck my room, I appreciated her efforts to help me in finding an outfit.

"We're not done yet," she says. "I'm going to do your hair and makeup, so get dressed and meet me in the bathroom," she instructs me. I follow her orders and put on my dress before going into the bathroom. She puts me in a chair that she hauled in here and applies my makeup.

She creates a smokey eye shadow effect by combining both black and brown shadows together. She starts with my lashes and then moves on to my brows. She fills them in, making them appear sharp and clean. Chloe then applies a dark brown liquid matte lipstick on my lips.

Starting on my hair once she finishes my makeup, she chooses to straighten it since we have the time. After brushing and blow drying it, she starts to straighten it. My hair and makeup are both finished after an hour and a half.

I'm blown away when she shows me my hair and makeup. I look really good. My hair is quite long and healthy. Overall, I look sexy as fuck.

"You put your entire foot into this look." I laugh, while telling her. She laughs along with me then asks if I like it.

"I truly like it; you did a fantastic job." I tell her, while still admiring myself in the mirror.

"I'm pleased you like it, baby cakes; now go spray some perfume on and get your shit. He'll be here in a few minutes." She informs me. I'm considering hiring her as my personal assistant. My life would be a lot more organized.

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