Chapter Six

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(Outfits at the bottom)

Ava barging into my room, urging me to get ready because she and Chloe had decided that the best way to catch up would be to go out to eat for breakfast. Even though I despise the idea of getting up so early, it sounds good knowing that I'll be able to update them on a certain someone. I am in a need of advice, and I'm hoping they can help me.

I get up and stroll to my closet, not having a shower because I previously took a long one the night before. I decided to go for a simple baggy look, when looking for something to wear. Finally, something catching my eye, I put on black baggy pants and a shirt that is entirely too big for me. Finishing up the outfit, I slide on a pair of Dr. Martens.

Entering my bathroom, I begin to style my hair. I brush through my hair making it into a neat bun. I finalize the look by applying some lip-gloss and putting on my glasses. I twirl in the mirror knowing I look good. I exit the bathroom and make my way into the living room, where I wait for the girls to finish getting ready.

After a few moments of waiting, I hear footsteps walking in my direction. When I turn around to see who's approaching, I see Chloe. Scanning her outfit, which consists of a skin-tight, white long-sleeve top and distorted colored jeans, and white shoes.

Walking up to her, I comment, "Damn you look good." Taking her hand into mine I twirl her, pausing only when I come in view with her ass.

"Don't even think about it, Emory," She warns. "Do not smack my ass."

I lift my hand and hit her ass, hard, ignoring her warning.

"EMORY MILLER, YOU ARE GOING TO GET IT!" She yells at the top of her lungs. I run towards Ava's room, fully expecting her to stop Chloe from trying to kill me. When I turn around, I see Chloe close behind me. By increasing my speed, I make it into Ava's room. When I see Ava, I run behind her and use her as a shield.

"AVA, SAVE ME! CHLOE IS DETERMINED TO KILL ME. I PROMISE I DID NOTHING AT ALL!" I yell. Glancing over Ava's shoulder, I notice Chloe glaring at me.

"I wouldn't call slapping my ass 'nothing'. You're lucky I love you Emory, otherwise you would've been dead," she replies.

I emerge from behind Ava and take a stride towards Chole, confident that she will not murder me. I turn around to see Ava staring at us, amusement dancing in her eyes. I scan her outfit, ignoring the look she's giving us. She was dressed in a white fluffy skirt with an oversized green hoodie and air forces to complete the look.

Damn, I really have the best looking friends out here, huh?

"You two look ravishing. If I ran for the other team, I'd fuck you both." I state.

"You're missing out, Emory," Chloe comments. "When you're with a woman, you're guaranteed to cum, but when you're with a man, well, I'll let you fill in the blanks." She says, shrugging her shoulders. Ava blushes in response to Chloe's words, speechless. I grab each of their hands and drag them to my car. Knowing she's probably right because all of her experiences with woman were good, I don't bother to respond back.

We finally decide to go to a modest breakfast restaurant called "Sunset" after much deliberation. We exit the vehicle and enter the restaurant. After a brief wait, a host seats us and hands us menus.

A few minutes later, a short woman in her mid 40s, approaches us. She introduces herself as Daisy and asks us what we would like to drink. I choose water, while Ava chooses chocolate milk and Chloe chooses orange juice.

Orange juice is better than apple juice ;)

Daisy has recorded our beverages and is on her way to make them. I fill in the silence, not wanting to put this off any longer.

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