Chapter Twenty-Four

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This is a filler chapter, lol. Enjoy!



I woke up to Chloe jumping on my bed. I was confused as to why she was waking me up so early on a Friday morning. Looking at my phone, I saw it was 9 a.m. I snatched Chloe's leg and yanked her down to the opposite side of the bed. She groaned, getting out of the bed and drew the curtains open.

"Chloe, why were you jumping on my bed?" I say while shielding my eyes from the bright sunlight.

"We're going shopping, I have news." She says with a huge smile on her face.

Chloe hasn't looked this happy in a long time. I complied since I didn't want to ruin her mood.

"Alright fine, just give me a few so that I can get ready." I stated. I assumed she was doing something later in the day, hence, is why we are going shopping so early.

Chloe nodded her head and walked out of my room. I sank into my pillow and uttered a loud groan.

Come on, Emory, do this for Chloe.

I get out from my bed and proceed to my closet. I put on some leggings and a hoodie because I'm not in the mood to dressed up. Grabbing a pair of socks, I put them on, sliding on some crocs.

I went into the bathroom and threw my hair up into a high bun in an attempt to hide my bedhead curls. After washing my face, I put on my glasses.

Walking toward my shelf, I put on deodorant and perfume. I grab my purse, checking for my wallet once; once it was found, I went into the living room to wait for the rest of the girls.

After a few moments, I noticed a tired-looking Ava walking towards me.

"She woke you up too, huh?" I ask, with a smirk on my face. It felt good to know that I wasn't the only one who was exhausted. Ava didn't say anything, just nodded and flopped down onto the couch. A little laugh escaped my lips.

A happy-looking Chloe emerges a few minutes later, twirling her hair.

It was too early for this.

"Hey guys!" She shouted.

"Girl, it's 9.a.m, why are you shouting?" I ask, cringing.

"To get you guys up, duh. I have exciting news to share, so let's get going; we'll be taking my car." She says, and I thank the Lord.

I did not want to be driving this early.

Ava and I get up, I stretch while Ava trails behind Chloe. Once I finished stretching, I make sure the door is locked before following the girls. We get into the car, and I opt for the back seat. I didn't want the sun shining directly in my eyes. I smile back at Ava, who scowls at me.

Chloe climbs into the driver's seat and connects to the aux. She puts on SZA before starting the car. Chloe pulls up to the Dunkin Donuts drive-through and orders three chocolate donuts and three vanilla iced coffees. After a few minutes of waiting, Chloe pays and hands us our drinks and donuts.

Ok, this is something I can work with.

After finishing the donut, I take a few sips of my coffee. To be honest, I try to avoid donuts because once you have one, you are tempted to have another, and so on. I nod my head and sing along to 'broken clocks' by SZA. I'm finally starting to feel more awake than I was before. Looking across the seat, I notice Ava is also waking up.

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