Lie Detector

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3rd Person P.O.V
A black limo was driving through the city on it's way to SFIT. (Name) sat in the back with her father, her eyes glued to her phone as she reads an article about Liv Amara.

Krei looks at his daughter then looks to his left, where he had a gift wrapped box. "(Name), you're birthday is coming up." He began, still eyeing the box. "Uh-huh." (Name) muttered, not looking up from her phone.

"You're almost fifteen and it's time to start thinking about your future." Krei continued. "Hmm-hmm." (Name) hummed, still not looking up. "Your mother had put together a special box for you to open when your older and I think now is..." Krei said, picking up the box and turning to his daughter to give it to her.

But the spot next to him was empty. "Huh?" Krei looks up to see they had reach SFIT and (Name) was getting out of the limo. "Bye Dad, love you." She said, closing the door and walking off towards the robotics lab.

Krei sigh as the limo drives off to take him to Krei Tech. "Perhaps she takes after me a little too much." He muttered, looking down at the gift box. "(Mother's name), my I doing this right?" He whispered, looking so vulnerable and lost of what's the right thing to do for their daughter.

(Name's) P.O.V
Tonight, the gang and I were running a training exercise where were chasing after Fred in a Kentucky Kaiju suit. "I see the monster. Guys, I'm right behind him." Wasabi said on comms, chasing after the monster in his car.

"Scratch that, I lost him." Wasabi said, then we heard a car horn. "Come on!" Wasabi exclaimed and Hiro and I flew over him on Baymax, seeing Wasabi was now stuck in a traffic jam.

"He's moving toward Night Market Square. Rapidly." Baymax announced. "I'm gonna cut him off....wait. Where'd he go?" Go-Go asked. "Honey Lemon, you see anything?" I asked. "Nothing....wait! He's on a bus." She announced.

"Wait. Like, riding the bus?" Wasabi asked. "Kind of." Honey Lemon replied. "We see him." Hiro said and we flew towards the Kaiju, hanging off the side of a bus, which he jumps off of. "Go-Go, you've got intercept." Hiro said as we chase after the Kaiju.

"Good. This ends now." Go-Go said, chasing the monster into a dead-end alley, where he was cornered. Go-Go threw a disk at the Kaiju, hitting him in the head then tackling him to the ground. "Gotcha."

"Nice, Go-Go!" I complimented as we landed. "Yeah, but did you have to throw the disk so hard?" Fred asked, popping the third eye of the Kaiju suit to look at her.

"You're the one who wanted to do a monster training exercise." Go-Go said, standing up as Honey Lemon slides on over, on a pink chem ice slide. "Good monster hustle, Freddie." She said.

"Phew. That was a workout. Anybody else hungry?" Hiro asked. "Yes! Let's hit up Noodle Burger. I wanna try the new Frugal Noodle menu." Fred said as everyone climb onto Baymax and we blast off.

...Leaving poor Wasabi in traffic. "Wait, I'm hungry too!"

The next day, we were at Fred's house having breakfast together and playing two truths and a lie. "I started a competitive ironing team in high school. I collect vintage typewriters. And I knitted my first sweater when I was seven." Wasabi said, crossing his arms with a confident smile.

Fred leans in, circling around Wasabi as he slurps his drink rather loudly. "Hmmm...this is a touch one. I mean, they all sound true-ish." He said. "Yeah, but one's a lie, right Wasabi?" Hiro asked.

"Yes! I know how to play the game, guys. I said two truths and one lie." Wasabi replied. "Huh, well, the ironing thing's real. I've seen the trophies." Go-Go said. "Still undefeated!" Wasabi exclaimed, with pride. "Because you were the only team." Go-Go reminded him. "IRRELEVANT!"

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