Baymax Returns Part 1

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Today was Hiro's first day at nerd school, our friends and I waited in the Cafe for him, as the news talks about us. "Reports are still flooding in about a group of unidentified individuals who prevented what could have been a major catastrophe. The whole city of San Fransokyo is asking: Who are these heroes and where are they now?"

"Having victory pancakes." Fred said, pouring more syrup on his pancakes. Hiro then arrives, with his back pack. "Hiro!" Wasabi said, standing up to ruffle his hair. "What's up?" Go Go asked him, taking her coffee and standing up from the table. "Hey!" I said him, waving, Hiro's face turns a little red as he waves back. "H-hey..."

"Come on, let's not be late." Wasabi told him, heading to the door. Fred stuff his three stack pancakes in his mouth before getting up from them table. Wasabi, Go Go, Honey Lemon, Fred, and I head to the door when Cass walk over with a bag lunch. "Hey, Sweetie. I made you a lunch." She holds it out to him, but pull it back when Hiro reach for it. "Uh, do you pack lunch to college? I don't I don't know. Is that not cool? Oh, I'm so proud! I just wanna squeeze you!"

She then pulls him into a tight embrace, seeming to squeeze the life out of him. "Aunt Cass! I..." He said as he was getting squeeze, Cass let's him go and hands him his bag lunch. "Okay, you guys better go." Hiro turn towards us, but quickly spun around and hug his aunt. "Last hug." Cass smile and hug him. "Tadashi would be so proud of you."

When we reach the school, Honey Lemon place a comforting hand on Hiro's shoulder. "Are you nervous, Hiro?" She asked him, Hiro only smile. "No way! I want this. Why would I be nervous."

"You're 14 and going to college." Go Go reminded him. "Your brother is, like, a legend here." Fred added. "Also, I hear the new dean is a hard case." Wasabi added. "I hadn't thought of any of those things." Hiro admitted, rubbing the back of his head. "Well, keep not thinking of them!" Honey told him.

"Yeah, no need to worry Hiro! Look!" I took his schedule from his hoodie pocket and pointed to one of the classes. "We have a couple of classes together! Together we can do anything!" I said making him blush and chuckle. "Y-yeah... anything."

Once Hiro got his ID he show us, his picture wasn't so great. No only was he not tall enough to barely get in frame, but he also made a weird face.  "That's unfortunate." Go Go told him.

"I'll take that." Wasabi, takes the ID and puts it in a protective sleeve attached to a lander. He then puts it around Hiro's neck. "Don't ever lose this. Seriously, it's like $20 to replace."

"Okay, you're official. Tour time!" Fred said spinning him around. "Ahhh!" He then open the doors next to us, leading to the headset area. "This is the room where people wear goggles and do stuff." He explained, as some students were spreading using the VR sets. "Virtual reality! Oh, nice!" Hiro said. "Yeah that."

We then head outside were students were, eating, relaxing, studying, all that college stuff. "And this is the quad. Named after someone with the last name Quad, one would presume." Suddenly a frisbee flew pass us, turning out to be a robot, which threw another frisbee at it's creator. Hiro smile at all the tech being use.

Our next stop was the cafeteria. "And this, of course, is the fooding zone, as a non-student, my favorite place on campus." Fred explain, as he walk backwards and knock into a student behind him.

The student ended up dropping his tray, and spilling his water all over the floor, which the cleanbots had to clean up. "Whoa!" Hiro said. "Cool, huh?" Wasabi asked him.

"I-I didn't realize this place was so, uh, huge. Awesome, but huge." Hiro said as we walk through the halls. "Don't be intimidated. Just take it one class at a time." Wasabi told him.

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