The Impatient Patient

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Tonight I was on night patrol with Hiro, Baymax, and Fred. I was flying around the city, with Hiro and Baymax, while Fred was bouncing around some place else in the city. "My flight function is not at full efficiency in suspended water droplets." Baymax said as he flies carefully.

"It's just fog Baymax, it's not the greatest for night patrol." Hiro told him. "Yeah, I can barely see a thing." I said squinting my eyes to try and see better. "Night patrolling in the fog! But I can't see my feet! Oh oh oh oh, I probably shouldn't be jumping around."

"Fred! Did you see that?" I asked the other teen when I spotted something through the fog. "No! I can't see anything. Not even my feet, I thought I was clear on that, I mean did you not hear my song? Come on!"

"Out over the bay." I said, pointing out to it. "Their too small to be planes... Helicopters?" Hiro suggested. "If they are helicopters they shouldn't be flying this low next to the city, especially in this fog." I said.

"I will scan for heat signatures through the fog." Baymax told us. "Please be UFOs, please be UFOs, please be UFOs!" Fred begged. "I detect three humans." Baymax told us. "Aww..." Fred said disappointed. "Wearing jet turbines." Baymax added, intriguing Fred. "Ooh!"

We flew through the fog till we saw three people with jet packs, that have shoots wires at a yacht to stop it in place. Baymax scared one of the three mysterious jet pack people away, as he cuts the other wires to free the ship. "Nice job, Baymax!" Hiro told the robot, then we hear voices coming on her radio. "Look sharp Jack! Roger that Jack! Jack you got this? Coming Jack."

As we listen in, one of the Jacks ram into us, knock up into the ocean. Hiro and I cling down to Baymax as he flies up and burst out of the ocean, knocking the three Jacks away. Hiro and I both cough for air, before we are yanked off of Baymax by our feet.

We look up to see one of the Jacks holding our foot in each hand. "Lesson one: Don't mess with the Mad Jacks!" He told us. "Jacks rule!" The other two Jacks said on our radio. "Wait, so you're all named, Jack?" Hiro asked him. "Actually, my real name's Greg, but I go by Jack! Team cohesion, man!"

"Well uh, that makes no sense." I told him. "Yeah well, you make no sense!" The man then let's us go, and we started to fall towards the water below. "Wa-ha-ha-ha, Baymax!" Baymax catches us in his arms, before we hit the water.

"Thanks." Hiro said before we both sneeze. "You have both sneezed. A sneeze is a semi..." Baymax started but I interrupted him. "We're fine." Hiro and I both then climb onto his back again. "Yeah, don't worry Baymax. Come on. We have to check out that yacht." Hiro told the robot.

Baymax lands on the back of the ship, Hiro and I jump down from his back. "I am scanning the occupants. One of them is Alistair Krei." Baymax said as Dad comes out of the ship. "Welcome Aboard." Dad said to us, looking nervous.

"Dad, what's going on?" I asked him. "Oh nothing you have to worry about, sweetie. Just a normal everyday business deal." He told me. "Is this another revenge against you thing?" Hiro asked. "No." Dad answered. "Unethical business deal?" Hiro asked next. "That is offensive and also no!"

"Then what? These Jacks seem highly trained." I said. "Look I was out on the bay enjoying my yacht, Kreifisher, and then those flying maniacs swooped in!" A laser hits to close to the yacht, causing the water to rock and tip Dad overboard. "Dad!" Luckily Baymax caught him before he could fully go under the water.

Baymax drops him back onto the boat, where he stood up, dripping wet. Baymax then puts a Life vest over him, and inflate it. "It is advisable to wear a floatation device when boating." He told Dad. "Noted."

More lasers hit the water causing the boat to roach more. "Dad, get back inside!" I told him, as Hiro and Baymax looks out at the Mad Jacks. "Baymax? I'm thinking rocket fist."

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