Small Hiro One

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Baymax flew through the night sky, with Hiro and I on his back. "Coordinates indicate that this is the location of the stolen shipment of Nickel Titanium Alloy." The robot told us. "Take us in easy buddy." Hiro said and Baymax landed on the roof of a warehouse.

Hiro and I hop down and walk over to the skylight. I wipe the glass to look down in the dark building. "We need to get down there." I lift up the lid and Baymax swings both Hiro and I down inside. "I will alert the team."

"That's okay, we're just gonna have a look. Recon." Hiro told him. "I will come with you." Baymax said. "It's just some stolen metal." He replied. "Yeah, we can handle it marshmallow." I told Baymax as Hiro and I headed to the ground floor. "I will wait here."

We sneak around the warehouse till we saw a little robot was roaming around. We duck in between two shelves, to hide from the bot till it left. Once it look safe we step out of hiding and got scanned by a bot above, setting off an alarm.

My reflexes kick in and I ended up shooting a wave of Pop music at the bot to knock it off the top shelve and destroyed it. It wasn't till it was done that I realize my mistake. "You don't think anyone heard that right?" Right after I ask this, Yama appeared in a basket crane. "Well, what do we have here?" He asked smiling down at us. "Yama..." Hiro said to himself. "Yes it.... wait! I know you two." The criminal said.

"You do?" We both asked surprised. I hit the button on my helmet that covers my face. No way do I want to be seen as ransom money again. If he can't see me, I can't see him! Hiro on the other hand does a deep voice. "I don't believe we've met."

"You're those Big Hero 7 kids!" Yama said easing our concerns. "Oh uh that's right, we are!" Hiro said as I press the button again, to take down the cover so I can see. "And we just insist you return the stolen alloy." I told him. "Oh... you want it back? There's your Nickel Titanium Alloy!" Yama press a button that releases and giant robot that nearly crushed us, if we hadn't jump out of the way. "Meet Mega-Yama!"

"Uh Baymax we've might need backup after all." Hiro told his robot companion, we then hear a loud crash behind us, before follow by Baymax saying. "I fell down."

Hiro jukos out of Mega-Yama's attacks while I shoot my sound waves at the robot to set him off balance. As Hiro jumps out of the way, he leaps to the basket crane and hits a knob that shoots Yama into a wall and right into Baymax's secured arms. Baymax holds Yama in place with a bear hug. "This position can be calming." Baymax told him. "I am not calm!"

"Hey Baymax, any word on back up?" Hiro asked as he dodgers another attack. Right at that moment, the rest of the team arrived, sliding down on Honey Lemon's ice slide. "Back up is here!" Wasabi announced. "Um, what is that?" Go Go asked. "Pssh, it's obviously a giant robot. I'm surprised it's taken this long to face one." Fred told her.

Mega-Yama turn and attack our friends instead. Honey throws a chem ball to trap the bot's feet in ice, but the robot broke Greek easily.

Fred shoots his flames at the robot but it had zero effect on it. "I'm scared!" Fred leaps over Mega-Yama to avoid getting hit. "But I gotta admit, also pretty impressed." Fred leaps out of the way of another attack, before Mega-Yama looks down at Wasabi. "I'm just scared! But I use that fear." Wasabi leaps ahead and cuts the robot's side.

Mega-Yama is then hit by one of Go Go's disk getting his attention. "Over here big guy!" Go Go spins around the robot till it gets dizzy and tips backwards, toward Baymax and Yama. "A falling robot can be..." Baymax lets go of Yama to catch the falling robot, leading to Yama to get away. "Hazardous."

Yama gets back in his crane and escape. "You'll pay for this!" The lights turn off for a moment, so we couldn't immediately chase after Yama. "Oh, great." Go Go said right before the lights turn back on, with no Yama in sight. "Under the cover of darkness the villain escapes! Now what?" Fred asked. Wasabi yawns. "Let's call it a night, don't forget what tomorrow is!"

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