Steamer's Revenge

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Hiro's P.O.V
Baymax and I were in the garage, where I was setting up a bulletin board. I had pinned various pictures of connects to Obake. Lenore Shimamoto, Noodle Burger Boy, Globby's involvement, and the attempt capture of (Name). I chew on the eraser end of my pencil as I begin to think on what Obake is really after.

"HIRO!" Baymax said at max volume, making the room shake. "Ahh!" I scream, rushing over to him. "HAS YOUR HEARING BECOME IMPAIRED?" I lower his volume quickly, before my hearing actually is damaged. "Can you hear me now?"

"Uh, sorry, Baymax. I were just distracted." I told him, walking back up to my bulletin board. "I know this is all connected." I then point to a photo of the painting Globby stole. "Like this painting. I bet Globby stole it for Obake. But why?"

Next I point to a photo of (Name), in cosplay of a character from some Owl House show she's been watching. "And then he try to have Noddle Burger Boy capture her. But why? What does he have to gain from her?"

I turn away from the board, heading over to my computer. "Obake's planning something big. I've gotta figure this out. Nothing's more important." Suddenly Fred pop up on my computer screen, via video chat. "Hiro, there's nothing more important than what I'm about to tell you! Wait. Is that a conspiracy wall? Nice..."

"Fred, what is it?" I asked, with a deadpan expression. "Oh. Wasabi's Birthday is in three days, as you can see on my birthday wall." He moves his cameras, to show his own bulletin board, planning Wasabis' birthday.

(Name's) P.O.V
The gang and I met up at Fred's place to discuss Wasabi's upcoming birthday. Honey Lemon uses a dry-erase board, to write down any ideas we have. "So, what should we get Wasabi for his birthday?"

"I say we get him a custom-made dandy boy costume!" Fred suggested "Dandy boy?" Go Go asked. "Duh. Captain Fancy's number two? He's like my second favorite sidekick." Fred then looks down at Mini-Max, who stood on his shoulder. "Don't worry, Mini-Max. You'll always be my first favorite."

"I was not worried." Mini-Max told him. "Sure you weren't." Fred said with a smug smile. "It is true. The defense of the principles of goodness consumes my thoughts at all times!" Mini-Max said, climbing onto Fred's head. "Mm-hm, yeah. Again, sure you weren't.

"Ooh, I got it! What if we got Wasabi a puppy!" Honey Lemon suggested. "Wasabi is allergic to all species of canine." Baymax said, showing different types of dogs on his belly. "Aw. I guess Pablo the puppy could live with me and Go Go. Right, Go Go?"

"Oh boy, you named it." Go Go said. "Pablo!" Honey said with a cheerful smile. "You got attached already?" I asked her. She hasn't even gotten the puppy and she's already got a name for him.

"We should just give Wasabi cash in a paper bag. He can do what he wants with it, no questions asked." Go Go said, making Hibey frown. "Why aren't you writing that down?"

"Guys, you know how Wasabi's car is still stuck in the Bay? What if we got it out and fixed it up for him?" Hiro suggested, as she shows a photo of him, Tadashi, Baymax, the rest of the gang, and I, with Wasabi's car on his phone.

"That's also a great idea." Honey said. "I'm in." Go Go said, getting up. "Someone should distract Wasabi while you guys fix the car." Fred told us, as we head to the exit. "Good call, Fred."

I went with Hiro on job, get car out of the Bay. First stop, his garage to came some new suits. "If we're gonna fish Wasabi's car out of the Bay, we're gonna need some new underwater gear." He said fist-bumps Baymax.

"I've actually been hoping we'll have to do something underwater. Never guess it be getting Wasabi's car back." I said fist-bumping Hiro. "Well, it is kind of our fault it ended up down there in the first place." Hiro reminded me. "Yeah, good point. Let's get to work!"

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