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Dad recently bought the Muirahara Woods to build a new tech campus. But there's one slight hiccup, Bessie. So he wants to search out Ned Ludd, who was I guess an old golfing buddy of his and convinced him to take the meteorite and leave.

Since Hiro knows where Ned's treehouse is and he's under contract as an intern, he's supposed to take Dad out into the woods to find Ned. Dad also wants me to come along for a father, daughter bonding camping trip. We used to go out of nature walks and camping all the time. Because of his time at Fire Scout Camp when he was a kid, Dad has some serious survivalist skills!

Before heading over to Krei Tech, I was getting breakfast with the gang at the Lucky Cat. "I just got a great last-minute catering job. Oh, but I can't leave the Lucky Cat." Cass said, setting down a plate of pancakes in front of Hiro as Mochi rubs himself against her legs.

"Sorry, Aunt Cass. I wish I could help. But I have to go to the woods with Krei. It's in my contract." Hiro said, annoyed. "Spontaneous camping trip clause? Yeah. That'll get you every time." Fred said, holding up a stack of pancakes attach to his fork before taking a bite.

"You eat like an animal!" Mini-Max told Fred. "And you can't even bring Baymax after what Bessie did to him last time." Honey Lemon said. "Who's this Bessie?" Cass asked, holding Mochi in her arms.

"Bessie is not a person, Aunt Cass. Bessie is a..." Baymax begins to explain but was interrupted by Hiro. "A breed of chipmunks that are attracted to large, white surfaces. They swarm."

"Right. Okay. Anyway, Krei has no idea what he's doing." Go-Go said. "That's not entirely true." I said. "No offense, Shock Wave, but your dad is a moron. I'm going with you guys." Go-Go said and I frown at her. "Really? Thanks, Go-Go." Hiro said.

Cass sighs. "Well, I guess I should cancel my catering job." She said. "The three of us can run the Lucky Cat." Honey Lemon said, gesturing to herself, Wasabi, and a very messy Fred. "Aw, that's sweet. Are you sure?" Cass asked.

"Absolutely." Wasabi replied. "It'll be a piece of taco." Fred said, after swallowing his mouth full of pancakes then proceeds to lick his plate clean. "Don't you mean cake?" Honey Lemon asked him. "I prefer tacos." Fred replied.

"Wasabi, Honey Lemon, you'll for sure be here too, right?" Cass asked, quickly. As Fred aggressively licks the plate clean, Wasabi and Honey Lemon smiles and nodded.

Hiro and I were cram together in the backseat, along with all our camping gear. Go-Go was driving the car while Dad was sitting in the passenger seat, like an upset teenager, not allowed to drive. "It's my SUV. Why can't I drive?" Dad asked Go-Go after a long drive of nothing but silence.

"Because I know these words better than you know your private island." Go-Go replied. "Which one? Krei-topia or Krei-tucket? Or little Hawaii?" Dad asked, doing a little hula dance. At that moment the car loses power and slows to a stop.

"Looks like we're in Bessie territory. We walk from here." Go-Go said, unbuckling her seatbelt and climbing out of the car. "Sweetie, I hate to say it, but I don't think I like this friend of yours." Dad told me. "I don't think she's very fond of you either." I muttered.

We got out of the car and begin walking, with poor Hiro carrying all the bags by himself. "Just...just don't...don't worry about me!" Hiro whimpered as he struggles to carry everything. "Why would I worry?" Dad asked.

"Which way, Hiro?" Go-Go asked. "I think we're getting close." Hiro replied, then suddenly Ned came running out of the bushes, startling us and Hiro drops the supples. "Ned! Golf buddy. Hello!" Dad exclaimed, greeting him.

"You're going to need to shave if you want to get back in the club. There are spiders living in your beard." He said, pointing at his beard. "Ew! Really?" I asked, hiding behind Dad for protection.

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