Countdown To Catastrophe Part 3

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(Name's) P.O.V
Globby released from his goo, once free I stood up and ran to Hiro, tackling into him as I wrap my arms around him for a hug. "Hiro!" Hiro fells backwards onto the floor, wrapping his arms around me, for a tight embrace. "(Name)! I've missed you so much!"

"Hiro..." I pull away from the hug to look him in the eye. "I've was... I've was so scared I'd never see you again. Never see Dad again, or our friends. I try to tell myself you and the others would find me or that I'd be able to escape but... I...I..." The tears I've been holding back, escaped down my cheeks and I was unable to stop myself from becoming a sobbing mess.

"Hey, hey, it's alright." Hiro said, softly, as he wipe the tears away and gently fixed my hair. Moving any strands out of my face. "I'm here now. It's okay." He pulled me in for another tight hug. "We'll get out of here, I promise." He whisper to me. I sniff, rubbing away a tear trail.

"Such a touching reunion." Hiro and I pull away from our hug, to look up at Obake. "It almost brings a tear to my eye." He said, with a smile you just wanted to punch right off his face. "Monster's can't cry." I told him. "Oh, (Name) you wound me." He said placing his hand over his heart.

"How were you able to put your chip in Baymax?" Hiro asked, standing up as he helps me to my feet. Obake shows us footage of Noodle Burger Boy inserting his chip into Baymax while they were fighting. "I should have been there, but I was..."

"Doing vital work. For me." Obake said, holding up a Energy Amplifier, he had told me earlier, that Hiro hade made. Obake then places the amplifier in a case, that has Shimamoto's painting hanging above it. "Lenore Shimamoto?" Hiro asked.

"I'm a big fan. Shimamoto built a rather unique machine. It created a star." Obake explained, showing us blue prints of her machine on the screens, before creating a hologram of the star. "A star?" Hiro asked. "It collapsed quickly."

"That would create a giant shockwave!" I said, watching the hologram star collapsed. "Wait. That's how she caused the Great Catastrophe." Hiro said, making me feel I missed something important.

"Oh, you are sharp. But New San Fransokyo is so much larger now, so I need a bigger bang. I improve on Shimamoto's inadvertent discovery. It should be quite a show." Obake explained showing us imagine of San Fransokyo, both current and past.

"Why didn't I listen to Granville?" Hiro asked himself. "Because, like me, you were meant to push limits." Obake said, showing a demonstration on the screen or what's going to happen to the city.

"You really are a monster! Do you even realize how many lives are going to...." I started, before I stopped, thinking one person in particular "...Dad." "Aunt Cass." Hiro said as the same time, thinking of his love one.

"We have to warn them!" He said as we try to make a run to the exit, but Baymax stops us, by grabbing us his his arms. "Ugh!" We struggle to pass him, to save the only family we have left.

"If it's any comfort, even if they left now, they wouldn't make it out of the city in time." Obake said, placing his hands on each of our shoulders. Hiro slump down in defeat, whiles I shove Obake's hand off.

"Wait. He's going to destroy San Fransokyo? Even Joe's Diner?" Globby asked, talking with his mouth full of sushi rolls. That he spit out onto Momakase's face. Momakase responded, by whacking his tray of food, into his face shutting him up. "Your breath smells like garbage."

"You both will be quite safe here with me. Three visionaries, just hangin'." Obake told us, as he types some program into Noddle Burger Boy. "It's not about Hiro and I. You're gonna hurt millions of people!" I told him. "Together, we're going to create a star. Congratulations Hiro, that's some final project."

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