Aunt Cass Goes Out

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Today Hiro, Baymax, and Go Go were joining Fred and I to see Dad's demonstration for a new invention. "Thanks for coming guys! Dad's stuck at Chateau Fredrickson so I'm representing the family." Fred told them. "Any idea what this thing's about?" Hiro asked. "No idea, the invitation just said, 'Prepare to have your worries disappear!'" Fred spread his hands out and hug a man in front of us. Fred smiles nervously as he makes Hiro and I look away.

"That would be an impressive, therapeutic, break through." Baymax said. "Shock Wave, why can't we just cut the line? Your Keri's daughter." Go Go said, I smiles sheepishly. "Well I could but I'm not going to. My Dad cuts enough lines on his own, I don't want be like that. It's rude. Plus I don't mind waiting." I explained, Go Go sigh. "Fine."

She then look around at the people in line. "Looks like Krei invited every rich jerk in town... as I was saying..." Binky walks pass us with her son Richardson. Fred and I both groan at the sight of that twerp. "Ugh, Richardson Mole." Fred said.

Mole sees Go Go and flips up his collar before turning to her. "Hey Go Go, were you just talking about me, Dream Girl? My ears were burning." Go Go turn away disgusted. "Burning often indicates infection. There is no infection. However, your ceruminous glands are overproducing ear wax."

Mole, covers his ears in embarrassment. "Oh, gross! Shut it about my glands!" Mole runs away to catch up with his Devil Mother. "Nice save, Baymax." Go Go hold up her hand for a high five. Baymax pauses in confusion, before slowing holding his hand, which Go Go hits with her own hand to complete the high five.

We eventually got inside and a woman gives each of us an ID with our faces on it, which we pin to our clothes. "I am not wearing clothing." Baymax told the woman, he flips his ID around to scan it, and make it appear on his chest. Man Tadashi really thought of everything, when it came to Baymax.

"Aunt Cass almost busted me again. It's... it's becoming a problem!" Hiro told us, sitting next next to me, with Baymax on his other side. Fred and Go Go sat behind us. "Why don't you just tell her?" Go Go asked, setting Fred off. "What?! No! You never reveal your secret identity! Other than to your manservant or your sidekick... obviously. Or in (Name's) case her Dad, but to be fair the villain revealed who she was to him."

"And definitely not to your Aunt. Who would never let you out of the house if she found out." Hiro added, Go Go's expression hardens. We look ahead to see Mole making the 'call me' hand gesture at Go Go. "Give it up junior, I'm never gonna date you. Like ever."

"Wait a minute. Maybe that's the answer for Aunt Cass." Hiro said. "Hmmm... Uhh, I don't think Richardson is right for Aunt Cass. He's clearly into Go Go, then there's that whole age issue thing, you know." Fred said. "Uh, Fred? Not Richardson. An actual man." Hiro told him. "You should stay out of her personal life." Go Go told him. "Come on Go Go, dating might be good for her." He reply. "Or you."

"Maybe dating is what she needs. All she has is Hiro, Baymax, and the Cat Café. The one time she did something at night, she ended up going to Cooking Battles every night for almost a month! This woman really needs to get out more." I told Go Go. "Exactly, and dating a man would be just the push she needs to go out more." Hiro said.

"And what about you Dad, Shock Wave? All he ever does is work, wouldn't you like him to get out more?" Go Go asked me. "Oh please, Dad will never date anyone. He said the only woman for him was my Mom." I told her. "A lot of people say that." Go Go told me.

"Well for him it's true! My Mother was not like anyone else." I said, glaring at her. Hiro smile at me. "I think I can vouch for that. You're not like anyone else either, (Name)." He told me, taking me hand. I smile sweetly at Hiro. "Your sweet, Hiro." I lean over and kiss him on the check.

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