Big Hero 8

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"Dad are you sure you okay?" Dad was doing a rehearsal for a showcase of a new product, when High Voltage attack and stole it. He called me when I was at the Café to tell me what happen and see if Big Hero 7 can get it back for him. "Well they did ruin my favorite suit." "Dad."

"I'm alright, sweetie. Suit needing a dry clean aside." He answered. "Good, don't worry Dad. Big Hero 7 is on the case." I told him. "Oh and (Name). You're grandmother wanting me to tell you hello for her. You should call her." He told me. "I will Dad. I gotta go, I love you." "I love you too, sweetie."

I hang up and walked back over to my friends to sit at our table, while they watch the News. "Bad news, San Fransokyo! Infamous mother-daughter duo, High Voltage, broke danced out of jail and are making a crime dance come back."

"I get the crime. I don't get the dance." Go Go said as I sat back down in my seat at the table. "See, I get the dance. I don't get the crime." Wasabi said. "And to make things worse, their using a battery, my Dad's company made as an alternative power source." I explained to them.

"Let's just get them back in jail." Hiro told us, right as Mole enter the Café. "Shhhhhhh! Guys, Richardson Mole. He can't know that we're..." Fred whispered, which cause Baymax to interrupt him. "Big Hero 7."

Mole then immediately pops up next to Go Go, cutting into our conversation. "What about Big Hero 7?" He asked with a smirk, we all stare back at him not saying anything. "Nothing!" Fred finally said, scowling at him.

"Because if there's something you want to know about Big Hero 7, I'm the one to ask. I'm kinda an expert." Mole explained, causing Go Go to stuff her straw in his mouth, in attempt to shut him up. "Great." She said turning away, Mole took the straw out of his mouth to speak, looking at her lovely. "I see I piqued your interest, Dream Girl. I'm not just a super hero expert, I know villains too. High Voltage, Glooby..."

"Globby! I mean, um.... I mean I believe it is pronounced 'Globby'." Fred told him. "Stay in your lane, Fred! It's definitely Glooby." Mole told him. "Uh, no, it's not. The man's a giant glob. Thus, his name is Glob-by. He's not a giant gloob."

"You don't know what you're talking about!" Mole told him leaning over the table. "Oh, I know exactly what I'm talking about!" Fred said also leaning over the table. "No, you don't!" Mole barked back. "Yes, I do!"

"You're ruining my lunch serenity, guys." Wasabi told them. "Yeah, move along Richardson. This is my side of town." Fred said sitting back in his seat. "You have sides?" Honey Lemon asked.

"Not for long. I'm buying the lot next door. It will soon be home to the Mole Museum of Superhero History." Mole explained showing a blueprint of his soon to be museum. "A superhero museum? That was my idea!" Fred told him. "Was not!" Mole said back. "Uh huh!"

"Stop! Just stop!" Go Go told them. "Sure, anything for you, Dream Girl." Mole said taking her hand about to kiss it. "I wouldn't." Go Go told him, getting him to stop and pull her hand free. "Someday..." He whisper softly as he backs up to the door to leave. "Ugh..." Go Go said in disgust while Fred growls angrily. "Hate that kid!"

"Yeah, you really shouldn't let him get to you, Freddie." Honey told him. "He's just trolling you. Do not engage." Wasabi told him. Fred doesn't say anything and just glares at the door.

Go Go and Fred tried to capture High Voltage last night but were unsuccessful. The next day, the gang and I are at the lab. Fred was acting stranger then usually. He was walking around eating a box of crackers and looking like he's having a nervous breakdown.

"Oh no, he's eating crackers." Go Go said when Fred passed her station. "This is bad." Honey said, as Wasabi follows Fred with his vaccum cleaning up the trail of crumbs. Baymax waddle over to Fred to scan him. "I detect heightened stress. Indicated by cortisol and crackers."

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