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Omniscient POV

It's been two months since Onika's big break through, and she hasn't been doing so well. Turns out she had really bad anxiety and was so close to falling into emotional depression. She had major breakdowns in front of several people, which made them want to step up and finally help her. Even though she wouldn't admit that she was falling apart, they could see right through her.

Beyoncé had been by her side mostly, but there's days when she had to leave because of the responsibility she took on. She never wants to leave but she has no choice. Not showing up could lead to unwanted events.

As far as Onika's parents.. Carol was trying her best. After seeing what her daughter was going through, she made it her duty to step up. Especially because she had another child coming. She was starting to show and had finally let everyone know about the pregnancy. Everyone was accepting and she was happy.

Robert was just being himself. Still tried to get Onika to make drops, but was soon shut down by Baby and 21. They got a glimpse of how bad Onika's anxiety and depression got and made it their business to check up on her daily. Robert wasn't too happy with them stepping up to him and tried his best to keep Onika away from them. That was until Baby, along with 21 and Beyoncé, payed him an unexpected visit.

Jay, being the big cousin he was, was like her bodyguard through it all. He went on daily store runs, nail runs, and even hair runs. Whatever Onika needed or wanted, he was her personal driver.

Even her brother JJ started coming by more. He didn't want his sister to go through this alone. Meaning without a sibling by her side. Onika was so thankful that she was able to see her niece more.

School starts back next week and everyone feels as thought it's best that Onika does homeschool. She didn't agree and continues to try and prove to them that she can go. She missed her friends and wanted to rekindle with them, but the family wasn't trying to hear her.

Beyoncé wouldn't be with her because she graduated, so they definitely didn't want her to be by herself in case something happened.

Onika eventually started to get tired of all the babying that was going on and tried avoiding everyone. They took note of what she was doing and came harder.

Right now, everyone was sitting in Onikas room trying to make her eat. She refused to eat until they allowed her to go to school. Stubborn.

Beyoncé POV

Onika is being so difficult right now. She's laying in bed refusing to freaking eat. All because we won't let her go to school yet. Who does that.

With what she's going through right now, she doesn't need to leave this house. The constant breakdowns and anxiety attacks wouldn't be good at school. No one there would know how to react to her outbursts.

"Onika Tanya, get your butt up and eat. Like now. Don't make me drag you out this bed." Aunt Carol said. She was mostly upset. Pregnant Carol isn't the best Carol.

"Leave me the Fuck Aloneee!" she said. It came out muffled because of her head being in the pillows. That was the last straw for Carol. She grabbed Onikas ankle and yanked her. Oh shit.


Onika rolled out the bed and walked downstairs like she didn't just get her ears bursted. I swear she never reacts to the craziest things.

"If it was that easy, i would've been did that." Baby said following her downstairs. We all looked at each other shaking our heads. Onika is a hand full. We all made our way to the kitchen where she was just standing at the fridge.

"Y'all don't have to follow me around now. I'm about to eat. Let me breathe." she said without turning around.

Something about this anxiety and depression thing, that attitude is shitty. It's worse than what it was before, and we all know it was terrible. She make you want to beat her ass, but that's my baby I would never.

"You and that mouth of yours go get you smacked. Smart ass mouth. You talk too much shit to be 2 feet tall. Little ass." 21 said walking up to her grabbing a juice. He definitely got a hard mug along with an eye roll. I just hope they get stuck.

"Onika what you go eat? Why you just standing there with the fridge open. I have yet to see you grab or even look at anything." i spoke up. She was really just sitting there with the fridge open. I know she cold.

She looked back at me and closed the fridge. With nothing. Everyone looked at her waiting for her next move. She hadn't eaten in 2 days because she's trying to prove a point. Not a good way to do so.

To her own luck she went to the pantry and came back with a pack of noodles. She started to crunch them. It was dead silence so that was the only noise.

"Oh my goooodddd!!! Do y'all seriously have to breathe down my neck? Leave! I can eat without crying. I know what i'm doing." she frustratingly said. I kind of understand, I mean we are following her every move. But it's only because she doesn't listen.

"If you weren't so hardheaded and listened we wouldn't have to do this. Now chop chop. Ion got all day. I'm not going nowhere until you eat." Baby said snapping his fingers.

Aunt Carol was sitting at the island staring dead in her face. She's the one that has to deal with this while we're gone so I really understand her frustration. Plus she's pregnant.

Now that I think about it, everybody has to leave today. I have some drops to make, as do Baby and 21. Aunt Carol has a doctors appointment. She's gonna be by herself for the first time in 2 months. That's if nobody takes her with them.

"Onika chose who you're going with. Everybody got something to do today which leaves you alone. Something you're not about to be. So choose now while we're all here" i told her. She just eyes me like I said something so wrong.

"Or I can just stay here like a normal teenager. Stop acting like i'm handicap or something. Y'all seriously pissing me off to the max." she said grabbing her food and walking away. Baby, 21, and I followed her upstairs. She had to choose between us. Carol can't have visitors in the office.

"She most likely go choose you Bey. She ain't fucking with nun of us but you got the upper hand." Baby whispered as we walked upstairs. I don't want her to choose me honestly.

"Man imma be honest. Ion want her to choose me." i said causing them to laugh. "Not cause she aggy, which she is, but it's cause imma be in the car all day. All i'm doing is pulling up and swapping hands. She go get bored" i explained.

"Well shit. You like her girlfriend or whatever y'all are since y'all keep denying it. But she rather be under you than us. As of right now." 21 spoke as we walked through the room door.

"I really don't wanna go with neither of you." Onika said plopping on her bed.

I really want to trust that she can stay home, but her last anxiety attack was just last night. That's too recent. I don't want one to happen while we're all gone. Who knows what it could lead to.

We were all paranoid after reading on anxiety and depression mixed together. That shit was scary man. My Pooh couldn't handle that.

Onika POV


Oh yeaaaa ! thank you guys for 1k+ views on this story!!!! i'm so surprised💕

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